释义 |
repeatable read 可重复读 One of the two possible settings for isolation level. A logical unit of work is protected from seeing uncommitted updates of another logical unit of work. Also, no other logical unit of work can modify any row that has been read by this logical unit of work. This ensures that within a logical unit of work, you will always get the same values unless you made changes. 两种可能的隔离程度设置中的一种。一个逻辑工作单元被保护,看不到另一个逻辑工作单元正在进行但没有完成的修改工作,而 且任何其它逻辑工作单元都不能修改这个逻辑单元已读入的任意行。这样就保证在一个逻辑 工作单元内总是可以读到相同的值,除非你做了修改。 |