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术语 rollout/rollin
释义 rollout/rollin
1. A procedure for managing storage whereby certain programs are temporarily taken out of main storage, placed on disk storage, and returned when an operation is complete.
一种管理存储器的过程,将某些程序暂时从主存储器中取出,放入磁盘存储器 中,待操作完成后再送回主存储器.2. An optional feature of the MVT configuration of the control program that allows the temporary reassignment of one or more main storage regions from one job step to another.
任务数可变的多道程序设计过程中,配置控制程序的一种可选择特性。具有这种特性时,允许重新安排主存储器的一个或多个储存 区域,使它们由一个作业步骤转到另一个作业步骤。
3. In Series/1, an optional facility specified at system generation that allows the temporary reassignment of a partition from one task set to another of higher priority. The contents of the partition are placed on a disk storage device. A single fixed partition is designed as the rollout/rollin partition at system generation or IPL time.
在IBM Series/1中,该系统生成时规定的一种可选择功能,这种功能允许进行临时性的安排,如将一个分区 上的作业集转出,代之以另一个优先权较高的作业集,并将原来存储的内容转入磁盘存储 器。在系统生成或初始化程序加载(IPL)时,有固定的单个的分区设计作为转出转入分区使 用。
参阅roll in ,roll out。




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