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术语 round off
释义 round off
1. To round, adjusting the part of the numeral retained by adding 1 to the least significant of its digits, and executing any necessary carries, if (a) the most significant of the digits deleted was greater than half the radix of that digit place, or (b) the most significant of the digits deleted was equal to half the radix and one or more of the following digits were greater than zero, or (c) the most significant of the digits deleted was equal to half the radix, all the following digits were equal to zero,and the least significant of the digits retained was odd. In (c) even may be substituted for odd.
调整数字保留部分的舍入操作,若满足下列条件之一,对保留数字的最低有效位加1,并进行必要的进位: (1) 如果删去的数 字的最高有效位大于该位上的基数的一半;(2) 如果删去的数字的最高有效位等于该位上的 基数的一半,并且其后有一位或几位数字大于零;(3) 如果删去数字的最高有效位等于该位 基数的一半,其后各位数字皆为零,而保留数字的最低有效位为奇数。在(3)中可以用偶数 代替奇数。
2. On a calculator, the increase of the least significant digit in the result of a calculation to the next higher number where the subsequent digit in the result is 5 or above. Where the subsequent digit is 4 or below, the least significant digit remains unchanged.
在计算器中,当计算结果的最低有效位的下一位数 字等于或大于5时,最低有效数加1。当其小于或等于4时,最低有效数保持不变。




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