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术语 object
释义 object
1. An element of the specific layout structure or of the specific logical structure.
2. A collection of data referred to by a single name.
3. In expert system, a quantity which may be assigned a numerical value and allows the system to reasonabout real physical quantities.
专家系统中使用的一种量,该量可以指定为一个数值,并使系统推出有关的实际物理量。 对照assertion。
4. In computer security, apassive entity that contains or receives information. Access to an object potentially implies access to the information it contains. Examples of objects are: records, blocks pages, segments, files, directories, directory trees, and programs, as well as bits, bytes, words, fields, processors, video displays, keyboards,clocks, printers network nodes, etc. Compare subject.
在计算机安全学中,含有或接收信息的实体。对客体的存取即为对其包含的信息的存 取。客体有:记录、块、页、段、文件、目录、目录树、程序、位、字节、字、域、处理 器、视频显示器、键盘、时钟、打印机、网络节点等。
5. In Series/1, a logical resource which is managed bythe supervisor. Each object is assigned a name so that it can be referenced by both the user and the supervisor. It may imply the use of one or more physical resources.
在IBM Series/1中,由管理程序所管理的一种逻辑资源。每种目标都赋以一个名字 ,以便用户和管理程序引用。目标可以隐含一个或几个物理资源的使用。
6. In AS/400, anamed storage space that consists of a set of characteristics that describe itself and, in some cases, data. An object is anything that exists in and occupies space in storage and on which operations can be performed. Some examples of objects are programs, files, libraries, and folders.
在AS/400系统中,一种命名了的存储空间(其中存放有以0.1形式的数据和程序的集 合体),由一组描述其本身和(有些情况下)描述数据的特性所构成。数程体是任何存在于并 占领着存储空间的软体(软件实体),人们可以对这些软体进行各种各样的操作。比如程 序、文件、文档库和文件夹都是数程体的一些实例。
7. In SDF/CICS, a source map, source may set, page, or session profile heldin the map specification library. Objects can be defined by means of editing functions in an online session or with the load utility in a batch session.
在顾客信息控制系统(CICS)的屏幕定义程序(SDF)中,保存在映象说明库中的一种源映 象、源映象集、页面或话路开工文件。这些实体可以通过联机话路中的编辑操作或由批量 话路中的装入程序来定义。




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