释义 |
service 服务(程序),业务 1. In network architecture, the capabilities that a layer provides to the adjacent layer closer to the end user.在网络体系结构中,某一层向接近于最终 用户的相邻层提供的(服务)能力。 2. A customer or productrelated business function such as design/manufacturing error correction, installation planning, maintenance, customer education, or programming assistance. 与客户或产品有关的一种业务职能,如设计、制造上的错误校正、安装计划、维修、客户培训、程序设计支持。 3.The commoncarrier facilities provided to meet customers, data transmission requirements, e.g., telephone service. 为满足客户数据传输要求而提供的电信设施,例如,电话业务。 |