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术语 invitation delay
释义 invitation delay
In ACF/TCAM, a specified period of time, during which the host processor can send outgoing messages to nonswitched polled stations for which host receiving has priority over host sending. This delay is observed for all such stations on a line when the end of the invitation list for that line is reached. The delay in polling is observed for such stations whether or not the host processor has any messages to send them. If no invitation delay is specified for such stations, no messages can be sent to them.
在IBM通信系统软件ACF/TCAM中,一种规定的时间周期,在这期间,主处理机能够将输出报 文送给非转发被轮询站,只要主机对该站的接收优先权高于主机发送优先权。当某条线 路的邀请表轮询结束时,在该线路上所有被轮询站均可观察到这种邀请延时。不管主处 理机是否有任何报文发送给这些站,它们都可以观察到轮询延时。如果对某些站没有规定 邀请延时,则报文不能发送给它们。




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