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术语 I/O spooling
释义 I/O spooling
The I/O operation mode of a computer system. Programs requiring a significant amount of communication with “slow” peripheral devices may have their data routed at highspeed transfer rates to the disk for later rerouting to the intended devices. The result is that tasks are completed faster, thus freeing main memory so other tasks may be executed. It also allows automatic storage of data on the disk if the intended device is nonoperational. In addition to output spooling, input spooling is available. This permits jobs and data entered through “slow” devices to be routed to the disk. When the spooled jobs are to be executed or when the spooled data is required, the executive program loads them from the disk into main memory.
计算机系统输入输出的操作方式。需要与慢速外部设备进行大量通信的程序先以高速将 数据送给磁盘,然后在适当的时候再把数据从磁盘送给慢速外部设备。其结果是任务完成得 较快,并能及时地空出主存使其它任务得以执行。即使想用的外部设备当时并没有工作,也同 样先将数据自动地存入磁盘。除了输出假脱机之外还有输入假脱机,它让作业和数据由慢速 外部设备送入磁盘,当执行假脱机作业或需要用假脱机数据时,再由磁盘读入主存。




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