释义 |
division method 除分类法 In sorting, a hashing function which divides the key by the table size and uses the remainder plus 1 as the table position. If the table size is 2n, the generated number will be the rightmost N bits of the key; the remaining bits have no effect. This method, leading to nonuniform distributions, works best if the table size is a prime number. 一种哈希分类法,它用表的大小除关键字,并取余数加1作为哈希函数值,此值即指示该关 键字在表中的位置。如果表的大小是2n,则产生的数将是关键字最右边的N位,其它位不起作 用。对这种方法来说,表长最好取素数值,否则易造成不均匀分布。 |