释义 |
electrical schematic diagram 电示意[原理]图 A specific representation in graphics of an electrical circuit in which symbols are used for each circuit element, i.e., resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors, diodes, transformers, switches, etc., and wires are represented by lines. The schematic permits tracing of current paths for power and signals; such diagrams most often are furnished by manufacturers of equipment for assistance in repairs or diagnosis. 电路图的一种特定表示法,其中每种电路元件用符号表示,例如电阻、电容、电感、二级 管、晶体管、开关等。它们之间的连线用直线表示。还允许标出功率和信号电流的通路。 这种图多半是由制造厂商提供,以供帮助判断故障和维修之用。 |