释义 |
source map 源(程序)映象;[根源映象] In SDF/CICS, a map in internal form, that is, the form in which it is held before the generate process. It contains, among other things, descriptions of constant fields, variable fields, the application structure, and constant data. In SDF/CICS, all editing is done on the source map. 客户信息控制系统屏幕定义程序(SDF/CICS)中,一种内部形式的映象,即在生成处理之前所保持的一 种形式。它包括常数字段的说明、变量字段、应用结构、常数数据和其它内容。在SDF/CICS 中,所有的编辑工作是在源程序映象上进行的。 |