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术语 split site
释义 split site
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In computer security, pertaining to the use of two sites to perform the dataprocessing functions of a company so that the essential functions can continue to be performed if one of the sites ceases to be operational. The capability of the smaller of the two sites must be sufficient to perform all essential functions.The two sites should be sufficiently close to maintain essential liaison after the disaster event, but also sufficiently separated to ensure that they are not both affected by the same event.
计算机安全学中,说明使用两个地点一同进行数据处理的做法。这样即使有一地点停止操作,基本功能也能继续工作下去。两个站中较小的一个必须足以完成所有的基本功能操作。这两个站既要足够近,以保证突发事件后维持必要联系,又要充分分开,以保证不会同时为 同一事件所影响。比较hot site。




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