释义 |
logical connectives 逻辑连接符 The operators or words, such as AND, OR, OR ELSE, IF THEN, NEITHER, NOR, and EXCEPT, which make new statements from given statements and which have the property that the truth or fallacy of the new statements can be calculated from the truth or fallacy of the given statements and the logical meaning of the operator. 算符或字,例如“与”(AND)、“或”(OR)、“或则”(OR ELSE)、“如果就”(IF THEN)、“非”(NEITHER)、 “或非”(NOR)、“禁止”(EXCEPT)等,可用来从给定的句子构造新句子,并且具有一种性质,即新句子的真伪 可以从给定句子的真伪和算符的逻辑意义通过计算而得到。 |