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术语 logical record
释义 logical record
1. A set of related data or words considered to be a record from a logical viewpoint.
2. A record from the standpoint of its content, function, and use rather than its physical attributes, that is, a record defined in terms of the information it contains.
着眼于记录的内容、功能和用途,而不是它的物理属性的一种记录,即根据它所包含的信息定 义的记录。
3. In CICS/VS, a data record sent by one transaction program to another. The length of the record is contained in a two-byte field immediately preceding the record.
在虚存用户信息控制系统(CICS/VS)中,由一个事项处理 程序(即交易)传送给另一事项处理程序的一种数据记录。在记录最前面的两个字节字段给出 该记录的长度。
4. In VSAM, a unit of information normally pertaining to a single subject; a logical record is the user record requested of or given to the data management function.
在虚拟存储存取法(VSAM)中, 通常指一个项目的信息单位, 逻辑记录是数据管理功能所请求的用户记录或是给予数据管理功能的用户记录。




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