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术语 logical unit of work(LUW)
释义 logical unit of work(LUW)
A sequence of processing actions (data base changes for example) that must be completed before any of the individual actions can be regarded as committed. When changes are committed (by successful completion of the LUW and recording of the sync point on the system log), they do not need to be backed out after a subsequent failure of the task or system.The end of an LUW is marked in a transaction by a sync point—issued either by the user program or by CICS at the end of task. In the absence of user sync points, the entire task is an LUW.
在认为某一操作结束前,必须完成的一系列处理活动(例如更改数据库)。如果更改结束(LUW成功地完成且已在系统日志上 记录了同步点),则在随后发生任务或系统失败的情况下,就不必复原这些曾做过的更改。在 一个事项处理程序(即交易)中, 由同步点(在任务结束时由用户程序发出,或由CICS发出)标识一个LUW的结束。如果没有用户 同步点,则整个任务为一个LUW。




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