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术语 ARPA packet switching
释义 ARPA packet switching
A message switching technique on ARPA network based on store-and-forward technique with packets as the message units. Hosttohost messages are passed from the sending host-to its IMP,where they are broken into packets (thus the term “packet switching” used in describing the ARPANET) and relayed to their destination by the network of IMPs using store-and-forward techniques. Packet routing is adaptive to the conditions of the network considering failures and loading characteristics and, in general, the several packets of a single message may follow different routes. The destination IMP will reassemble the message and deliver it tothe proper host.
ARPA网上的一种以包(即分组报文)为交换单位的存储转发式的报文交换技术。在ARPA网 上,把一份报文从一个主机传递到另一主机的过程如下:首先由主机把报文发送到它自己的 接口信息处理机(IMP),在此,报文被划分为若干个叫做包(即分组报文)的小单位(这就是在 描述ARPA网时,使用“包切换”这个术语的原因),接着,通过网络上若干个IMP,用存储转发 技术把这些包转发到目的主机,包通过的路径可根据故障和负荷情况而适当选择。一般,一 份报文的几个包可通过不同的路径传递,最后由目的IMP把从不同路径上来的包重新组合成 该报文,并递交给合适的主机。




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