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术语 advanced control
释义 advanced control
1.Control strategy which goes beyond the conventional feedback control that is usually associated with standard analog control instruments. It encompasses calculated variables and coupling of control variables in complex arrangements that combine such things as feedbackfeedforward control with process transport time delays, realtime tuning of gain factors, override control, error squared control, control based on changes in mechanical characteristics of equipment and many others.
超越常规反馈控制(通常与标准的模拟控制仪器有关)的控制策略。它包括计算变量和控 制变量的复杂方式的耦合,其中组合了具有过程传送时延的反馈/前馈控制、增益因子的实 时调整、越权控制、误差平方控制、设备机械特性改变的控制等许多方面。
2.An architectural design strategy to compensate speed mismatching between storage and arithmetic units. To carry out advanced control, a buffer unit and its associated control circuit are necessary in the central processing unit. For example,at execution of an instruction, the next instruction or some instructions with their operands can be fetched from storage beforehand, and are put into the buffer unit and preexecuted. After execution, the results to store can also be put into the buffer unit, and are written into storage when it is really to accept the results.
为了补偿存储部件和运算部件之间的速度不匹配而采用的一种体系设计技术。实现先行 控制时,在中央处理机中应设置缓冲站及有关的控制线路。例如,在执行一条指令的同时,可 以预先从存储器中取出下一条或下几条指令及相应的数据,放在缓冲站里并进行预处理。在 指令执行完毕后,处理的结果需要送存储器时,也可以先放在缓冲站里,等到存储器可以接受 数据时,再送入存储器。




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