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术语 look-aside registers
释义 look-aside registers
A set of control unit registers that holds the virtual addresses and hardware addresses of all pages and/or segments in primary storage. Each time a page/segment is referenced by an executing process, aparallel search of the registers is made to determine whether or not the page/segment must be rolled in from secondary storage. The registers are searched by content (virtual addresses) and the process may thus be termed content addressing or associative addressing and the registers are a form of associative storage.
在主存储器中用以存放所有页和/或段的虚地址和硬件地址的一组 控制器寄存器。当一个页/段被执行进程访问时,系统对此寄存器并行搜索以决定是否必须从 辅助存储器中调入页/段。按内容 (虚地址)搜索此寄存器,则此进程可称作内容寻址或关联寻址,并且这些寄存器就是关联存储 器的一种形式。
参阅associative storage。




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