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术语 LU-LU session type
释义 LU-LU session type
In SNA, the classification of an LU-LU session in terms of the specificsubset of SNA protocols and options supported by the logical units (LUs) for that session, namely; (a) mandatory and optional values allowed in the session activation request; (b) usage of data stream controls, FM headers, RU parameters, and sense codes; and (c) presentation services protocols such as those associated with FM headerusage. LU-LU session types 0,1,2,3,4,6, and 7 are defined. Note: At session activation, one LU-LU half-session selects the session type and includes or excludes optional protocols of that session type by sending the session activation request, and the other half-session concurs with the selection by sending a positive response or rejects the selection by sendinga negative response. In LU-LU session types 4 and 6, the half-sessions may negotiate the optional parameters to be used. For the other session types, the primary half-session selects the optional protocols without negotiating with the secondary half-session.
在IBM系统网络体系结构(SNA)中,LU-LU话路按照SNA协议 的特定子集和该话路中逻辑单元支持的选择项进行分类: (1) 在话路激活请求中允许 的强制值和任选值。(2) 使用数据流控制、FM报头、RU参数和检测码。(3) 表示服务协议, 诸如与使用FM报头有关的那些协议。LU-LU话路定义了0,1,2,3,4,6和7几种类型。注: 在 话路激活时,一个LU-LU话路端通过发送话路激活请求,选择话路类型,以及是否包含该话路 类型的任选协议。另一话路端发送肯定应答同意该选择,或发送否定应答拒绝该选择。 在第4类和第6类LU-LU话路中,话路端可以协商所用的话路任选参数。 对其它类型,由主话路端选择所用的协议,不与次话路端协商。




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