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术语 profile
释义 profile
1. A description of the characteristics of a RACFdefined entity.
2. In NCCF, a record that describes the control available to a particular network operator. The profile describes the operator′s span of control, the name of the device to be used as a hardcopy device, whether the operator is authorized, and optionally, the name of a command or command list that is executed immediately after logon is successfully completed.
在网络通信控制程序(NCCF)中,描述可供某个特定网络操作员(或程序)利用的控制功能的一种记录。 它说明操作员的控制范围、用作硬拷贝设备的设备名、操作员是否经过批准,并可选择地说明 在注册完成(即进入系统)后立即执行的命令或命令表的名字。
参阅authorized operator。
3. In DPPX, a data area that describes the characteristics of certain DPPX resources such as data sets, programs, and catalogs.
4. A term sometimes used when discussing the characteristics that distinguish different entities or systems.
5. A set of subject terms that indicates the subject interests of an information system user.
6. Data that describes the significant characteristics of a user, a group of users, or one or more computer resources.
7. In computer security, a description of the characteristics of an entity to which access is controlled.
8. In word processing, a file that is used to control the formatting of one or more documents.
9. The characteristics of an SNA (Systems Network Architecture) session. Each session observes two Profiles: a transmission system (TS) Profile, concerned primarily with transmission control and recovery management, and a function mana gement (FM) Profile, concerned primarily with dataflow control and the manner in which data is presented to the receiving NAU (network addressable unit). See also transmission subsystem.
系统网络体系结构(SNA)话路的特性,每种话路遵守两个 协议子集:一个是基本上与传送控制和恢复管理有关的传送系统(TS)协议子集;另一个则 是基本上与数据流控制以及向接收端NAU(网络可寻址单元)提交数据的方式有关的功能 [操作]管理(FM)协议子集。
参阅group profile, user profile。




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