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术语 protection ring
释义 protection ring
1. In some storage protection systems; a conceptual ring used to identify (and illustrate) access rights. The rings are concentric and those towards the centre have low numbers and identify broad access rights of supervisory software. The highnumbered rings identify progressively lower access rights and the outer (highestnumbered) ring identifies the rights of a user program that is restricted to its own code and data.
在某些存储保护系统中,用于识别(或说明)访问权的一种概念性的环。这些环是同心的。低号 的环靠近中心,并识别监控软件的访问权限;环的编号越高,访问权越低,而外面的(最高号的) 环识别用户程序的权限,该用户程序的权限被限制于它本身的代码和数据。
参阅storage protection。
2. A writeenable ring used in magnetic tape.
3. In computer security, one of a hierarchy of privileged modes of an ADP system that gives certain access rights to the users, programs and processes authorized to operate in a given mode.
计算机安全学中,自动数据处理系统的一种层次化特权方式。它给在特定方式下运行的用户、 程序及进程以相应的权限。




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