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术语 protocol standards
释义 protocol standards
In data communications, defined protocols which facilitates communication amongst a wide body of users. Early protocols merely provided for the interconnection of similar devices and the Arpanet was an exception which permitted the interconnection of any two devices. Some early protocols, e.g. BISYNC, became ad hoc standards since they were adopted by many other manufacturers. These are two international bodies concerned with standards CCITT and ISO. CCITT is responsible for standards in the field of public telecommunication services. It is a permanent committee of the ITU and its best known recommendations are the V and Xseries for analog and digital data transmission. ISO has a large number of member bodies, one or each participating country——BSI in the UK, ANSI in USA, AFNOR in France. Other bodies such as CCITT and ECMA are also represented. The European Conference of Post and Telecommunications Administrations undertake standardization in the field of telephony extending into other facilities provided by PTTs, e.g. digital data networks. National organizations such as the IEEE promulgate standards, e.g. RS 232, equivalent to CCITT V.24 and a local area network standard IEEE
802.在数据通信中,为便于广大用户进行通信而制定的规程。早期的规程是为相似的设备互 连而提出的,但Arpanet是个例外,它允许任何两种设备进行互连。有些早期的规程,如 BISYNC,因为已为许多厂家采用,成了事实上的标准。有两个国际性组织即CCITT和ISO关 心这类标准。CCITT是国际电信联盟ITU的常设委员会,负责公用电信服务领域中的标准, 其中著名的是用于模拟传输的V系列推荐标准和数字数据传输的X系列推荐标准。ISO拥 有大量成员团体——每一个参加国,如英国是BSI,美国是ANSI,法国是AFNOR,其它社会团 体如CCITT和ECMA也有代表参加。欧洲邮电管理部门会议决定把电话领域中标准化推广 到PTT提供的其它设施,如数字数据网。象IEEE美国学术机构也颁布了标准,即RS232,等 价于CCITT V.24及LAN标准IEEE 802。
参阅ANSI,ARPA,BISYNC,CCITT,IEEE,IEEE 802, loca l area network, PTT, RS 232, V&-{·××}, X&-{·××}。




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