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术语 pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)
释义 pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)
1. In communications, a method of pulse modulation in which the amplitude of a train of pulses is adjusted in accordance with the input signal.
参阅pulse modulation。
2. The coding of a continuous or analog signal onto a uniformlyspaced sequence of constantwidth pulses by amplitudemodulating the intensity of each pulse, i.e., similar to AM radio broadcasts except that the carrier is a pulse and not a sine wave.
一种把连续信号或模拟信号编码成一间隔均匀、宽度恒定的脉冲序列的方法, 其中采用的是对每个脉冲的强度进行幅值调制,即类似于调幅无线电广播的技术, 不同在于脉幅调制采用的载波不是正弦波,而是脉冲。
3. A modulation technique in which the amplitude of each pulse is related to the amplitude of an analog signal. Used, for example, in timedivision multiplex arrangements in which successive pulse represent samples from the individual voice band channels; also used in timedivision switching systems of small and moderate size.
各个脉冲的幅度同一个模拟信号的幅度相关联的调制技术。它可用在分时多路配置中, 由一连串的脉冲表示各路音频信道的采样,也可用在中小型的分时交换系统中。




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