释义 |
query 询问,查询 1. The process by which a master station asks a slave station to identify itself and to give its status. 在数据通信中,主站要求从站标识自己和给出其状态的过程。 2. In interactive systems, an operation at a terminal that elicits a response from the system. 在交互系统中,终端要求系统响应的一种操作。 3. A specific request for data, instructions, characteristics of states of switches, position in a queue, etc., while the equipment is computing or processing. 在设备进行运算或处理时,对数据、指令、开关状态特征以及队列中的位置等信息的 一种查询。 4. A SQL statement used to retrieve data from database tables or views. Queries begins with the SQL reserved word SELECT. 结构化查询语言(SQL)的一个语句,用于从数据库的表或图中检索数据。查询以SQL的 保留字SELECT开始。 |