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术语 radix complement
释义 radix complement
A complement obtained by subtracting each digit of the given number from the number that is one less than the radix of that digit place, then adding one to the least significant digit of the result and executing any carries required, for example, 830 is the tens complement, that is, the radix complement of 170 in the decimal numeration system using three digits.
按如下方法得到的一种补数:从比每个数位上的基数小1的数中减去该数的每一相应的数字,然后在结果的最低有效位上加1,并进行必要 的进位。例如,在三位的十进制计数制中,830是170的补数。同noughts complement,true complement。
参阅diminished radix complement。




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