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术语 message queue data set
释义 message queue data set
In ACF/TCAM, a data set that contains one or more destination queues. A message queue data set contains messages that have been processed by the incoming group of a message handler and are waiting for ACF/TCAM to dequeue them, route them through an outgoing group of a message handler, and send them to their destinations. Up to three message queue data sets (one in main storage, one on reusable disk, and one on nonreusable disk) may be specified for an ACF/TCAM message control program.
在IBM的通信系统软件ACF/TCAM中含有一个或多个 收信方队列的数据集。报文队列数据集包含的报文已经报文处理程序的输入部分处理过, 并等待通信系统软件使它们出队,经由报文处理程序的输出部分将它们送往目的地(即收信方)。 一个通信系统软件报文控制程序可定义多达三个报文队列数据集(一个在主存储器中, 一个在可重复使用的磁盘上,一个在不可重复使用的磁盘上)。




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