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术语 computer communications system
释义 computer communications system
Generally considered to be a computer system that handles on-line, real-time applications. A typicalcommunications system would consist of the following: a teletypewriter, a visual display, or possibly, an audio answer-back device connected to an ordinary telephone line through a communication multiplexer. An interface device in the computer center translates these pulses into binary code and delivers the character to computer storage. After receipt of the entire message, the central computer searches or stores the requested information and sends back the appropriate response. Important elements of any communications system are the modems (MODulator/DEModulator) which connect the communication multiplexer from the remote output to the interface device in the computer center. On the transmission end, the modulator converts the signals or pulses to the right codes and readies them for transmissions over a communication line. On the receiving end, a demodulator reconverts the signals for communication to the computer via the computer interface device.
一种实时联机应用的计算机系统。典型的计算机通信系统包括电传打字机、显示器,还可能 有通过通信多路转换器接到普通电话线上的声音应答装置。设在计算机中心的接口装置把脉冲信号转换成二进制代码并把字符存入存储器。中央 计算机收到全部电文后,就开始检索或存储所要求的信息,并给出适当的回答。任何通信系统都需要的重要部件是调制解调器,它将远程输出的通信多 路转换器与计算机中心的接口装置相连。在发送端,调制器将信号或脉冲转换为适当的编码以便输出;在接收端,解调器把信号恢复成计算机接口需要 的形式,通过接口送给计算机。




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