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术语 bracket
释义 bracket
1.In SNA, one or more chains of request units (RUs) and their responses, that are exchanged between two LU-LU halfsessions and that represent a transaction between them. A bracket must be completed before another bracket can be started. Examples of brackets are data base inquiries replies, update transactions, and remote job entry output sequences to work stations.
系统网络体系结构(SNA)中,一个或多个请求单元(RU)及其响应链。它们在两个LU-LU (逻辑单元)话路端之间进行交换,表示它们之间的一笔交易[一次事项]处理情况。一个链 组一定要完成后,另一个链组才能开始。链组的例子有数据库的询问/回答、交易更新以及 把远程作业项目的输出序列送给工作站。
参阅begin bracket, end bracket, RU chain。
2.A facility provided by dialog control in SNA. A unit composed of a series of requests and responses in both directions.
系统网络体系结构(SNA)中,对话控制程序提供的一种功能。一个由两个方向上的一系列 请求和应答组成的单元。




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