术语 | function |
释义 | function 函数;功能;操作(程序);子例行程序 1. A mathematical entity whose value, that is, the value of the dependent variable, depends in a specified manner on the values of one or more independent variables, not more than one value of the dependent variable corresponding to each permissible combination of values from the respective range of the independent variables. 一种数学实体,其值也就是因变量的值按规定方式依赖于一个或多个自变量的值, 对于自变量在各自取值范围内的值的每一可能组合,因变量只有一个值与之相对应。 2. A specific purpose of an entity, or its characteristic action. 一个实体的特定用途或它的特征动作。 3. In data communication, a machine action such as carriage return or line feed. 在数据通信中的机器动作,如回车或换行。 4. In computer programming, synonym for procedure. 在计算机程序设计中同procedure(过程)。 5. In PL/1, a function procedure (programmerspecified or builtin), a procedure that is invoked by the appearance of one of its entry names in a function reference and which returns a value to the point reference. 在PL/1语言中,一种函数过程(程序员规定的或内部的),在引用函数时,出现一个函数过 程名就调用一次过程,并返回一个值给引用点。 6. A subroutine that returns the value of a single variable, and that usually has a single exit, for example, subroutines that compute mathematical functions, such as sine, cosine, logarithm, or that compute the maximum of a set of numbers. 一种子例行程序,它返回一个单独变量值,通常只有一个出口。例如计算数学函数的子例 程,像正弦、余弦、对数等,又如求一组数的最大值的子例程。 |
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