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术语 generation
释义 generation
1. In micrographics, a measure of the remoteness of the copy from the original material, the first microfilm representation being the first generation microfilm.
在缩微照相技术中,度量副本离原始资料远近的程度。第一次缩微后的胶片为第一代 缩微胶片。
2.A means of referencing items with respect to time and ancestry such that an item without antecedents is designated as the first or nth generation, and subsequent derivations are designated as n1,n2,etc.
从时间或世系的角度标记项的一种方式。没有前代的项可视为第一代或第n代,以后派生 出来的称为n1,n2代等。
3.For some remote systems, the translation of configuration information into machine language.
4.A term sometimes used to indicate the technological state of development of computers. A “first generation” computer (1950's) used valves/tubes for switching, arithmetic, and logic operations and any of a variety of storage methods including relays, electrostatic, delay line, magnetic drum and, towards the end of the generation, magnetic core. The “second generation” computers (1960's) used discrete (separately wired) transistors and diodes for data manipulation and magnetic core main storage. The “third generation” used semiconductors in integrated circuits for both data manipulation functions and main storage. The “fourth generation” uses large and super large scale integrated circuits.
该术语有时用来表示计算机发展的技术阶段。“第一代”计算机(1950年代)用真空管 做开关和进行算术逻辑运算,存储器采用继电器、静电存储器、延迟线、磁鼓,在这一代末 期采用磁芯。“第二代”计算机(1960年代)用分立晶体管和二极管实现数据处理,用磁芯 作主存储器。“第三代”用半导体集成电路实现数据处理功能和主存储。“第四代”则用 大规模及超大规模集成电路。
5.A technique for producing a complete routine from one which is in skeletal form, under control of parameters supplied to a generator routine.
一种产生完整程序的技术,在提交给生成程序的参数的控制下,由骨架形式的程序生成 完整的程序。




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