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术语 mixed-base numeration system
释义 mixed-base numeration system
A numeration system in which a number is represented as the sum of a series of terms each of which consists of a mantissa and a base, the base of a given term being constant for a given application but the bases being such that there are not necessarily integral ratios between the bases of all the terms, e.g., with bases b3,b 2, and b1and mantissa 6,5,and 4, the number represented is given by 6b3+5b 2+4b1. A mixed-radix numeration system is the particular case of amixed-base numeration system in which, when the terms are ordered so that their bases are in descending magnitudes, there is an integral ratio between the bases of adjacent terms, but not the same ratio in each case; thus if the smallest base is b and if x and y represent integers, the numeral 654 in such a numeration system represents the number given by 6xyb+5xb+4b. A fixed-radix numeration system is the particular case of amixed-base numeration system in which, when the terms are ordered so that their bases are in descending magnitudes, there is the same integral ratio between bases of all pairs of adjacent terms; thus if b is the smallest base and if x represents an integer, the numeral 654 in such anumeration system represents the number given by 6x 2b+5xb+4b.
一种记数方法,其中一个数表示为若干项的和,每项由基数和尾数组成。对于给定的应用而言, 一个项的基数是常数,但是各项基数之间的比不必都是整数。例如,基数为b3,b 2,b1,尾数为6,5,4的数可表示为: 6b3+5b 2+4b1。另一混合基记数法(mixed-radix numeration system)是该混合基数记数 法的特殊情况,在这种情况下,每项基数的大小按递降次序排列时,相邻项基数之间的比是整数,但不是都具有相同 的比例;如果最小的基数是b,而x和y是整数,则在该数制中,654所表示的数由下式给出: 6xyb +5xb+4b。固定基数记数法(fixed-radix numeration system) 是混合基数记数的特殊情况,在这种情况下,当每项基数的大小 是按递降次序排列时,每对相邻项基数之间的比都是相同的整数;如果b是最小的基数,x是整 数,则在该记数制中,654所表示的数由下式给出: 6x 2b+5xb+4b。




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