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术语 conditional information content
释义 conditional information content
In information theory, a measure of information conveyed by the occurrence of anevent of a definite conditional probability, given the occurrence of another event; inmathematical notation, this measure I (x&-{i}
|y&-{j}) for an event from the setx&-{1}…x&-{n}, that is dependent on the occurrence of another event from the set y&-{1}…y&-{m}, equals the logarithm of the reciprocal of the conditional probability p(x&-{i}
|y&-{j}) of the occurrence of the event x&-{i} given the occurrence of the event y&-{j}:I(x&-{i}
在信息论中,表示某一事件发生时致使具有确定条件概率的另一事件发生所传递的 信息量。用数学方法表示,条件信息量I(x&-{i}
|y&-{j})表示事件集x&-{1}…x&-{n}中某 事件x&-{i}的发生依赖于另一事件集y&-{1}…y&-{m}中某事件y&-{j}的发生,其 值等于事件y&-{j}发生时事件x&-{i}发生的条件概率p(x&-{i}
|y&-{j})倒数的对数: I(x&-{i}
参阅conditional entropy, mean conditional information content。




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