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术语 conjunction
释义 conjunction
1. The Boolean operation whose result has the Boolean value 1 if and only if each operand has the Boolean value 1.
一种布尔操作,当且仅当每个操作数的布尔值都为1时,它的结果的布尔值为1。 同AND operation, intersection。
2. In the predicate calculus, a connector connecting two conjunctive formulas denoted by sign ∧or∩. If A and B are conjunctive formulas, A∧B is also a conjunctive formula. If and only if A and B are all true, A∧B is true.
在谓词演算中,一种连接二个合式公式的连接符,用符号∧或∩表示。若A,B为合式公式, 则A∧B也是合式公式。当且仅当A,B都为真时,A∧B才为真。
3. A logical expression of the form a1∧a2∧…∧an where∧is the AND operation. A particular conjunction of interest is the conjunctive normal form (CNF) of a Boolean expression involvingn variables x1, x2,…,xn. Each ai is of the form (y1∨y2∨…∨yn)where ∨ is the OR operation and yi is equal to xi or the complement of xi. Reducing expressions to conjunctive normal form provides a ready method of determining the equivalence of two Boolean expressions.
一种逻辑表达式a1∧a2∧…∧an,其中∧是AND运算,一个特别 重要的合取运算是涉及n个变量x1,x2,…,xn的布尔表达式的“合取范式”(CNF)。 每一个ai形如下面的形式:(y1∨y2∨…∨yn),其中∨是“析取”运算,且yi等于xi或xi的补。把表达式化简为合取范式提供了一种 判定两个布尔表达式等价的简便方法。比较disjunction。




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