释义 |
reduction 缩小率,约简 1.In micrographics, a measure of the number times the linear dimensions of an object are reduced when photographed. The reduction is generally expressed as 1∶16,1∶24. 在缩微图形学中,照相时,对目标物体线性尺度缩小倍数的量度。通常表示为1∶16,1∶24。 2.In a document copying machine, a copyon a smaller scale than 1∶1 to the original. 在资料复制机中,比原件1∶1的比例尺度还要小的缩小复制本。 3.A process by which data are condensed. 一种对数据进行压缩的处理过程。 4. 参阅data reduction, reenlargement。 |