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术语 tracing routine
释义 tracing routine
1. A routine that provides a historical record of specified events in the execution of a computer program.
2. A diagnostic routine used to provide a time history of one or more machine registers and controls during the execution of the object routine. A complete tracing routine would reveal the status of all registers and locations affected by each instruction each time the instruction is executed. Since such a trace is prohibitive in machine time, traces which provide information only following the execution of certain types of instructions are more frequently used. Furthermore, a tracing routine may be under control of the processor, or may be called in by means of a trapping feature.
在目标程序执行中用以提供随时变化的机器寄存器和控制器情况的一种诊断例行程序。一个理想的跟踪程序应能给出在指令执 行时受其影响的所有寄存器和存储单元的状况。由于机器运行时禁止这样的跟踪,所以,它 只能在某些被频繁使用的指令执行以后提供信息。而且,一个跟踪程序既可以在处理机控制 下,也可以由陷阱中断功能调入。




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