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术语 training sequence
释义 training sequence
Also learning sequence. A special sequence sent by one modem to another prior to the commencement of a data transfer. The sequence commonly consists of phase reversals and/or 1-bits and is intended to permit the receiving modem to obtain synchronization/equalization in the shortest possible time. It is the usual first element of a poll response by a remote site modem in a multipoint, binary synchronous system. Depending upon the protocol and type of modems, sequences can be from about 20 milliseconds in length to about 250 milliseconds.
也叫作学习序列。在开始传输数据之前,一个调制解调器发给另一个调制解调器的特殊序列。该序列通 常由许多相位变换或若干个“1”信息位组成,它试图使接收端调制解调器在尽可能短的时 间内达到同步或均衡。它通常是多点二进制同步系统中远端调制解调器对定时轮回响应的第 一组电码。根据调制解调器的协议或类型,这些序列的长度从20毫秒到250毫秒不等。
参阅synchronization, equalization, answerback, new sync。




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