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术语 initiatesystemshutdownex
释义 InitiateSystemShutdownEx
BOOL WINAPI InitiateSystemShutdownEx(
__in_opt LPTSTR lpMachineName,
__in_opt LPTSTR lpMessage,
__in DWORD dwTimeout,
__in BOOL bForceAppsClosed,
__in BOOL bRebootAfterShutdown,
__in DWORD dwReason
lpMachineName [中,可选]
lpMessage [中,可选]
Windows Server 2003和Windows XP中:此字符串也存储在一个事件日志项发表评论。
服务器2003和Windows XP SP1的:该字符串被限制为3072 TCHARs视窗。
dwTimeout [in]
Windows Server 2003和Windows XP的SP1的:超时值仅限于MAX_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT秒。
Windows Server 2003和SP1的Windows XP:如果计算机是关闭终端服务的服务器,系统会显示一个对话框,所有本地和远程用户警告他们说,已经开始关闭。该对话框包括谁请关机,显示消息(见lpMessage),以及有多少时间,直到服务器关闭。
bForceAppsClosed [in]
bRebootAfterShutdown [in]
dwReason [in]
Windows XP/2000操作系统:系统状态信息不保存在一个计划外的系统关机。前面的文字并不适用。
失败的常见原因包括一个无效或无法访问的计算机名或00511。 ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS错误则返回关机已在指定的计算机上的进展。该错误ERROR_NOT_READY可以返回的快速用户切换功能,但没有用户登录。
请注意,调用与设置为TRUE bForceAppsClosed参数值此功能可避免这种情况。请记住,这样做可能会导致数据丢失。
Windows Server 2003和Windows XP:如果计算机被锁定和bForceAppsClosed参数是FALSE,则最后一个错误代码是ERROR_MACHINE_LOCKED。如果系统没有准备好处理请求,最后一个错误代码是ERROR_NOT_READY。应用程序应该等待一会儿,然后重试通话。例如,该系统可没准备启动关闭,并返回ERROR_NOT_READY,关机的要求,同时用户试图登录到该系统来。在这种情况下,应用程序应待一会儿,然后重试通话。
最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版
最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器
Unicode和ANSI namesInitiateSystemShutdownExW(Unicode)和InitiateSystemShutdownExA(ANSI)的
==英文原文==InitiateSystemShutdownEx Function
Initiates a shutdown and optional restart of the specified computer, and optionally records the reason for the shutdown.
BOOL WINAPI InitiateSystemShutdownEx(
__in_opt LPTSTR lpMachineName,
__in_opt LPTSTR lpMessage,
__in DWORD dwTimeout,
__in BOOL bForceAppsClosed,
__in BOOL bRebootAfterShutdown,
__in DWORD dwReason
lpMachineName [in, optional]
The network name of the computer to be shut down. If lpMachineName is NULL or an empty string, the function shuts down the local computer.
lpMessage [in, optional]
The message to be displayed in the shutdown dialog box. This parameter can be NULL if no message is required.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This string is also stored as a comment in the event log entry.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP with SP1: The string is limited to 3072 TCHARs.
dwTimeout [in]
The length of time that the shutdown dialog box should be displayed, in seconds. While this dialog box is displayed, shutdown can be stopped by the AbortSystemShutdown function.
If dwTimeout is not zero, InitiateSystemShutdownEx displays a dialog box on the specified computer. The dialog box displays the name of the user who called the function, displays the message specified by the lpMessage parameter, and prompts the user to log off. The dialog box beeps when it is created and remains on top of other windows in the system. The dialog box can be moved but not closed. A timer counts down the remaining time before shutdown.
If dwTimeout is zero, the computer shuts down without displaying the dialog box, and the shutdown cannot be stopped by AbortSystemShutdown.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP with SP1: The time-out value is limited to MAX_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT seconds.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP with SP1: If the computer to be shut down is a Terminal Services server, the system displays a dialog box to all local and remote users warning them that shutdown has been initiated. The dialog box includes who requested the shutdown, the display message (see lpMessage), and how much time there is until the server is shut down.
bForceAppsClosed [in]
If this parameter is TRUE, applications with unsaved changes are to be forcibly closed. If this parameter is FALSE, the system displays a dialog box instructing the user to close the applications.
bRebootAfterShutdown [in]
If this parameter is TRUE, the computer is to restart immediately after shutting down. If this parameter is FALSE, the system flushes all caches to disk and safely powers down the system.
dwReason [in]
The reason for initiating the shutdown. This parameter must be one of the system shutdown reason codes .
If this parameter is zero, the default is an undefined shutdown that is logged as "No title for this reason could be found". By default, it is also an unplanned shutdown. Depending on how the system is configured, an unplanned shutdown triggers the creation of a file that contains the system state information, which can delay shutdown. Therefore, do not use zero for this parameter.
Windows XP/2000: System state information is not saved during an unplanned system shutdown. The preceding text does not apply.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError .
To shut down the local computer, the calling thread must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. To shut down a remote computer, the calling thread must have the SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege on the remote computer. By default, users can enable the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege on the computer they are logged onto, and administrators can enable the SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege on remote computers. For more information, see Running with Special Privileges .
Common reasons for failure include an invalid or inaccessible computer name or insufficient privilege. The error ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS is returned if a shutdown is already in progress on the specified computer. The error ERROR_NOT_READY can be returned if fast-user switching is enabled but no user is logged on.
A non-zero return value does not mean the logoff was or will be successful. The shutdown is an asynchronous process, and it can occur long after the API call has returned, or not at all. Even if the timeout value is zero, the shutdown can still be aborted by applications, services, or even the system. The non-zero return value indicates that the validation of the rights and parameters was successful and that the system accepted the shutdown request.
When this function is called, the caller must specify whether or not applications with unsaved changes should be forcibly closed. If the caller chooses not to force these applications to close and an application with unsaved changes is running on the console session, the shutdown will remain in progress until the user logged into the console session aborts the shutdown, saves changes, closes the application, or forces the application to close. During this period the shutdown may not be aborted except by the console user, and another shutdown may not be initiated.
Note that calling this function with the value of the bForceAppsClosed parameter set to TRUE avoids this situation. Remember that doing this may result in loss of data.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: If the computer is locked and the bForceAppsClosed parameter is FALSE, the last error code is ERROR_MACHINE_LOCKED. If the system is not ready to handle the request, the last error code is ERROR_NOT_READY. The application should wait a short while and retry the call. For example, the system can be unready to initiate a shutdown, and return ERROR_NOT_READY, if the shutdown request comes at the same time a user tries to log onto the system. In this case, the application should wait a short while and retry the call.
Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional
Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server
HeaderWinreg.h (include Windows.h)
Unicode and ANSI namesInitiateSystemShutdownExW (Unicode) and InitiateSystemShutdownExA (ANSI)
See Also
Shutting Down
System Shutdown Functions
Send comments about this topic to Microsoft
Build date: 7/30/2009


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