术语 | ishungappwindow |
释义 | IsHungAppWindow 语法: BOOL IsHungAppWindow( HWND hWnd ); IsHungAppWindow功能 您调用IsHungAppWindow函数,以确定是否认为微软Windows指定的应用程序没有响应。应用程序被认为是没有响应如果不是等待输入,是不是在启动处理,也没有所谓的PeekMessage在5秒内超时时间。 参数 hWnd [in]的窗口句柄。 返回值 返回TRUE,如果窗口停止响应,否则返回FALSE。鬼Windows总是返回TRUE。 备注 在视窗5秒超时的标准是受变化。 虽然您可以通过使用LoadLibrary和GetProcAddress的Windows版本相结合,在Windows XP之前,这个函数,该函数不使用标准访问包含文件和库之间的联系。头文件包含在Windows XP服务包1(SP1)和Windows Server 2003的文件,这个功能,使其容易使用适当的包含文件和库之间的联系。但是,此函数不供一般使用。我们建议您不要使用新的程序,因为这可能会更改或在Windows的后续版本中不可用。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 user32.dll 在Winuser.h中HeaderDeclared,头文件:winuser.h import libraryUser32.lib 2000年最低经营systemsWindows 参见 视窗概述,IsWindow ==英文原文==IsHungAppWindow Function You call the IsHungAppWindow function to determine if Microsoft Windows considers that a specified application is not responding. An application is considered to be not responding if it is not waiting for input, is not in startup processing, and has not called PeekMessage within the internal timeout period of 5 seconds. Syntax BOOL IsHungAppWindow( HWND hWnd ); Parameters hWnd [in] Handle to the window. Return Value Returns TRUE if the window stops responding, otherwise returns FALSE. Ghost windows always return TRUE. Remarks The Windows timeout criteria of 5 seconds is subject to change. Although you can access this function by using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress combined in Windows versions prior to Windows XP, the function is not accessible using the standard Include file and library linkage. The header files included in Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Server 2003 document this function and make it accessible using the appropriate Include file and library linkage. However, this function is not intended for general use. It is recommended that you do not use it in new programs because it might be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows. Function Information Minimum DLL Versionuser32.dll HeaderDeclared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h Import libraryUser32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows 2000 See Also Windows Overview , IsWindow ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633526(VS.85).aspx\n |
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