术语 | monitorenumproc |
释义 | MonitorEnumProc 语法: BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc( __in HMONITOR hMonitor, __in HDC hdcMonitor, __in LPRECT lprcMonitor, __in LPARAM dwData ); MonitorEnumProc功能 阿MonitorEnumProc函数是一个应用程序定义的回调函数,这是由EnumDisplayMonitors函数调用。 阿MONITORENUMPROC类型的值是一个指向函数的指针MonitorEnumProc。 参数 hMonitor [in] 一个句柄,显示屏。此值将永远是非空。 hdcMonitor [in] 一个句柄,设备上下文。 该设备上下文的颜色属性,这对于显示适当的监察hMonitor确定。该设备上下文剪贴区域被设置了由EnumDisplayMonitors hdc参数标识的设备上下文的可见区域的交集,矩形指出,由EnumDisplayMonitors lprcClip参数,显示屏上的矩形。 此值为NULL如果EnumDisplayMonitors hdc参数为NULL。 lprcMonitor [in] 一个 RECT结构的指针。 如果hdcMonitor是非空,这个矩形是由hdcMonitor和显示屏矩形确定的设备上下文剪贴区域的交汇点。矩形的坐标是设备上下文的坐标。 如果hdcMonitor为NULL,这个矩形是矩形的显示屏。该矩形坐标虚拟屏幕坐标。 dwData [in] 应用程序定义的数据EnumDisplayMonitors直接传递到枚举函数。 返回值 要继续枚举,返回TRUE。 要停止枚举,返回FALSE。 备注 您可以使用EnumDisplayMonitors函数来枚举的显示器一套相交指定设备上下文的可见区域,可选1剪辑矩形。要做到这一点,参数设置为HDC一个非NULL值,并设置需要lprcClip参数。 您还可以使用EnumDisplayMonitors函数来枚举一个或多个监测显示在桌面上没有提供一个设备上下文。要做到这一点,设置EnumDisplayMonitors hdc参数设置为NULL,并根据需要lprcClip参数。 在所有情况下,EnumDisplayMonitors调用一个函数指定MonitorEnumProc中的每个计算枚举显示屏一次。该MonitorEnumProc函数总是收到的句柄显示屏。 如果EnumDisplayMonitors hdc参数非NULL,则MonitorEnumProc函数还接收设备句柄上下文的颜色格式是适当的显示屏。然后,您可以把画的方式设备上下文是显示屏为最佳。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWinuser.h(头文件:winuser.h) 参见 多显示监视器概述 多显示监视器功能 EnumDisplayMonitors 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月11日 ==英文原文==MonitorEnumProc Function A MonitorEnumProc function is an application-defined callback function that is called by the EnumDisplayMonitors function. A value of type MONITORENUMPROC is a pointer to a MonitorEnumProc function. Syntax BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc( __in HMONITOR hMonitor, __in HDC hdcMonitor, __in LPRECT lprcMonitor, __in LPARAM dwData ); Parameters hMonitor [in] A handle to the display monitor. This value will always be non-NULL. hdcMonitor [in] A handle to a device context. The device context has color attributes that are appropriate for the display monitor identified by hMonitor. The clipping area of the device context is set to the intersection of the visible region of the device context identified by the hdc parameter of EnumDisplayMonitors, the rectangle pointed to by the lprcClip parameter of EnumDisplayMonitors, and the display monitor rectangle. This value is NULL if the hdc parameter of EnumDisplayMonitors was NULL. lprcMonitor [in] A pointer to a RECT structure. If hdcMonitor is non-NULL, this rectangle is the intersection of the clipping area of the device context identified by hdcMonitor and the display monitor rectangle. The rectangle coordinates are device-context coordinates. If hdcMonitor is NULL, this rectangle is the display monitor rectangle. The rectangle coordinates are virtual-screen coordinates. dwData [in] Application-defined data that EnumDisplayMonitors passes directly to the enumeration function. Return Value To continue the enumeration, return TRUE. To stop the enumeration, return FALSE. Remarks You can use the EnumDisplayMonitors function to enumerate the set of display monitors that intersect the visible region of a specified device context and, optionally, a clipping rectangle. To do this, set the hdc parameter to a non-NULL value, and set the lprcClip parameter as needed. You can also use the EnumDisplayMonitors function to enumerate one or more of the display monitors on the desktop, without supplying a device context. To do this, set the hdc parameter of EnumDisplayMonitors to NULL and set the lprcClip parameter as needed. In all cases, EnumDisplayMonitors calls a specified MonitorEnumProc function once for each display monitor in the calculated enumeration set. The MonitorEnumProc function always receives a handle to the display monitor. If the hdc parameter of EnumDisplayMonitors is non-NULL, the MonitorEnumProc function also receives a handle to a device context whose color format is appropriate for the display monitor. You can then paint into the device context in a manner that is optimal for the display monitor. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWinuser.h (include Windows.h) See Also Multiple Display Monitors Overview Multiple Display Monitors Functions EnumDisplayMonitors Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/11/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd145061(VS.85).aspx\n |
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