术语 | nddegettrustedshare |
释义 | NDdeGetTrustedShare 语法: C++ UINT NDdeGetTrustedShare( __in LPTSTR lpszServer, __in LPTSTR lpszShareName, __out LPDWORD lpdwTrustOptions, __out LPDWORD lpdwShareModId0, __out LPDWORD lpdwShareModId1 ); NDdeGetTrustedShare功能 [网络DDE不再支持。 Nddeapi.dll是目前在Windows Vista上,但所有的函数调用返回NDDE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED。] 检索用DDE的份额,在服务器的用户的信任股名单相关选项。 参数 lpszServer [in] 该服务器的方法DSDM所在的名字。 lpszShareName [in] 共享名的信任地位受到质疑。这个参数不能为NULL。 lpdwTrustOptions [out] 一个变量,它接收信任选项指针。这个参数不能为NULL。下列各项信托选项都可用。 ValueMeaning NDDE_CMD_SHOW_MASK 0x0000FFFFLMask用于获取用于覆盖DDE共享显示状态值,如果NDDE_TRUST_CMD_SHOW设置。 NDDE_TRUST_CMD_SHOW 0x10000000LOverride的显示,国有股在指定的DDE方法DSDM。 NDDE_TRUST_SHARE_DEL 0x20000000LRemove共享的信任状态。 NDDE_TRUST_SHARE_INIT 0x40000000LAllow客户端启动应用程序如果它已经在用户的上下文中运行。 NDDE_TRUST_SHARE_START 0x80000000LAllow申请将开始在用户的上下文。 lpdwShareModId0 [out] A pointer to a variable that receives the first part of the trusted share modify identifier.这个参数不能为NULL。 lpdwShareModId1 [out] 一个变量,它接收的信任份额第二部分修改标识符的指针。这个参数不能为NULL。 返回值 如果函数成功,返回值是NDDE_NO_ERROR。 如果函数失败,返回值是一个错误代码,它能够成为一个翻译文本错误消息调用NDdeGetErrorString。 备注 受信任的共享修改标识反映了该方法DSDM DDE共享版本在当时的DDE共享最初获得信任的地位。受信任的份额修改标识符主要是用来删除过时的信任的股票。但是,用户并不需要删除过时的信任的股票。该网络DDE代理消除了用户的代表过时的股票。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderNddeapi.h LibraryNddeapi.lib DLLNddeapi.dll Unicode和ANSI namesNDdeGetTrustedShareW(Unicode)和NDdeGetTrustedShareA(ANSI)的 参见 网络动态数据交换概述 网络DDE函数 NDdeSetTrustedShare 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月30日 ==英文原文==NDdeGetTrustedShare Function [Network DDE is no longer supported. Nddeapi.dll is present on Windows Vista, but all function calls return NDDE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.] Retrieves the options associated with a DDE share that is in the server user's list of trusted shares. Syntax C++ UINT NDdeGetTrustedShare( __in LPTSTR lpszServer, __in LPTSTR lpszShareName, __out LPDWORD lpdwTrustOptions, __out LPDWORD lpdwShareModId0, __out LPDWORD lpdwShareModId1 ); Parameters lpszServer [in] The name of the server on which the DSDM resides. lpszShareName [in] The share name whose trusted status is being queried. This parameter cannot be NULL. lpdwTrustOptions [out] A pointer to a variable that receives the trust options. This parameter cannot be NULL. The following trust options are available. ValueMeaning NDDE_CMD_SHOW_MASK 0x0000FFFFLMask used to obtain the value used to override the DDE share show state, if NDDE_TRUST_CMD_SHOW is set. NDDE_TRUST_CMD_SHOW 0x10000000LOverride the show state specified in the DDE share DSDM. NDDE_TRUST_SHARE_DEL 0x20000000LRemove the share's trusted status. NDDE_TRUST_SHARE_INIT 0x40000000LAllow a client to initiate to the application if it is already running in the user's context. NDDE_TRUST_SHARE_START 0x80000000LAllow the application to be started in the user's context. lpdwShareModId0 [out] A pointer to a variable that receives the first part of the trusted share modify identifier. This parameter cannot be NULL. lpdwShareModId1 [out] A pointer to a variable that receives the second part of the trusted share modify identifier. This parameter cannot be NULL. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is NDDE_NO_ERROR. If the function fails, the return value is an error code, which can be translated into a text error message by calling NDdeGetErrorString . Remarks The trusted share modify identifier reflects the version of the DDE share in the DSDM at the time the DDE share was initially granted trusted status. The trusted share modify identifier is primarily used to remove obsolete trusted shares. However, the user does not need to remove obsolete trusted shares. The network DDE agent removes obsolete shares on the user's behalf. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderNddeapi.h LibraryNddeapi.lib DLLNddeapi.dll Unicode and ANSI namesNDdeGetTrustedShareW (Unicode) and NDdeGetTrustedShareA (ANSI) See Also Network Dynamic Data Exchange Overview Network DDE Functions NDdeSetTrustedShare Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/30/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365761(VS.85).aspx\n |
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