术语 | pdhbindinputdatasource |
释义 | PdhBindInputDataSource 语法: C++ PDH_STATUS PdhBindInputDataSource( __out PDH_HLOG *phDataSource, __in LPCTSTR szLogFileNameList ); PdhBindInputDataSource功能 绑定一个或多个二进制日志文件一起阅读日志数据。 参数 phDataSource [out] 句柄绑定的数据源。 szLogFileNameList [in] 空结束的字符串,其中包含一个或多个二进制日志文件的结合在一起。终止与一零终止字符和一个额外的零终止字符列表中的每个日志文件的名称。该日志文件名可以包含绝对或相对路径。您不能超过32个指定的日志文件。 如果为NULL,来源是一个实时的数据源。 返回值 返回ERROR_SUCCESS如果函数成功。 如果函数失败,返回值是一个系统错误代码或一种PDH错误代码。 备注 这个函数是用来带PDH功能,需要处理的数据源。有关这些函数的列表,请参见。 您不能指定多个用逗号分隔的(CSV)或制表符分隔(TSV)中的文件。该列表只能包含一种类型的文件无法合并多个文件类型。 要关闭日志文件的约束,函数调用PdhCloseLog使用日志处理。 要求: 最低支持client-Windows XP 最低支持serverWindows服务器2003 HeaderPdh.h LibraryPdh.lib DLLPdh.dll Unicode和ANSI namesPdhBindInputDataSourceW(Unicode)和PdhBindInputDataSourceA(ANSI)的 参见 PdhBrowseCountersH PdhEnumMachinesH PdhEnumObjectItemsH PdhEnumObjectsH PdhExpandWildCardPathH PdhGetDataSourceTimeRangeH PdhGetDefaultPerfObjectH PdhGetDefaultPerfCounterH PdhOpenQueryH 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月23日 ==英文原文==PdhBindInputDataSource Function Binds one or more binary log files together for reading log data. Syntax C++ PDH_STATUS PdhBindInputDataSource( __out PDH_HLOG *phDataSource, __in LPCTSTR szLogFileNameList ); Parameters phDataSource [out] Handle to the bound data sources. szLogFileNameList [in] Null-terminated string that contains one or more binary log files to bind together. Terminate each log file name with a null-terminator character and the list with one additional null-terminator character. The log file names can contain absolute or relative paths. You cannot specify more than 32 log files. If NULL, the source is a real-time data source. Return Value Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the function succeeds. If the function fails, the return value is a system error code or a PDH error code . Remarks This function is used with the PDH functions that require a handle to a data source. For a list of these functions, see See Also. You cannot specify more than one comma-delimited (CSV) or tab-delimited (TSV) file. The list can contain only one type of file—you cannot combine multiple file types. To close the bound log files, call the PdhCloseLog function using the log handle. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows XP Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2003 HeaderPdh.h LibraryPdh.lib DLLPdh.dll Unicode and ANSI namesPdhBindInputDataSourceW (Unicode) and PdhBindInputDataSourceA (ANSI) See Also PdhBrowseCountersH PdhEnumMachinesH PdhEnumObjectItemsH PdhEnumObjectsH PdhExpandWildCardPathH PdhGetDataSourceTimeRangeH PdhGetDefaultPerfObjectH PdhGetDefaultPerfCounterH PdhOpenQueryH Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/23/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372539(VS.85).aspx\n |
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