术语 | pdhenumlogsetnames |
释义 | PdhEnumLogSetNames 语法: C++ PDH_STATUS PdhEnumLogSetNames( __in LPCTSTR szDataSource, __out LPTSTR mszLogSetNameList, __inout LPDWORD pcchBufferLength ); PdhEnumLogSetNames功能 枚举该日志的名称设置在该DSN。 参数 szDataSource [in] NULL结尾的字符串指定的DSN。 mszLogSetNameList [out] 来电分配的缓冲区,它接收的空列表结尾的记录集的名称。这份名单是终止与一零终止字符。设置为NULL,如果pcchBufferLength参数为零。 pcchBufferLength [ in , out ] 的大小mszLogSetNameList缓冲区,在TCHARs。如果零输入,该函数返回PDH_MORE_DATA,并设置此参数所需的缓冲区大小。如果缓冲区比所需的大小,功能设置此参数的时候,往往有人使用的缓冲区的实际大小。如果在输入指定的大小是大于零,但比所需的大小少,您不应该依靠返回的大小重新分配缓冲区。 返回值 如果函数成功,它返回ERROR_SUCCESS。 如果函数失败,返回值是一个系统错误代码或一种PDH错误代码。以下是可能的值。 返回codeDescription PDH_MORE_DATAThe的mszLogSetNameList缓冲区的大小是太小,无法包含所有数据。这个返回值,预计如果pcchBufferLength是在输入为零。如果在输入指定的大小是大于零,但比所需的大小少,您不应该依靠返回的大小重新分配缓冲区。 PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENTA参数无效。例如,在某些版本中您可以收到此错误如果在输入指定的大小是大于零但小于所需的大小。 备注 您应该调用这个函数两次,第一次获得所需的缓冲区大小(设置mszLogSetNameList为NULL和pcchBufferLength为0),和第二次获取数据。 要求: 最低支持client-Windows XP 最低支持serverWindows服务器2003 HeaderPdh.h LibraryPdh.lib DLLPdh.dll Unicode和ANSI namesPdhEnumLogSetNamesW(Unicode)和PdhEnumLogSetNamesA(ANSI)的 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月23日 ==英文原文==PdhEnumLogSetNames Function Enumerates the names of the log sets within the DSN. Syntax C++ PDH_STATUS PdhEnumLogSetNames( __in LPCTSTR szDataSource, __out LPTSTR mszLogSetNameList, __inout LPDWORD pcchBufferLength ); Parameters szDataSource [in] Null-terminated string that specifies the DSN. mszLogSetNameList [out] Caller-allocated buffer that receives the list of null-terminated log set names. The list is terminated with a null-terminator character. Set to NULL if the pcchBufferLength parameter is zero. pcchBufferLength [in, out] Size of the mszLogSetNameList buffer, in TCHARs. If zero on input, the function returns PDH_MORE_DATA and sets this parameter to the required buffer size. If the buffer is larger than the required size, the function sets this parameter to the actual size of the buffer that was used. If the specified size on input is greater than zero but less than the required size, you should not rely on the returned size to reallocate the buffer. Return Value If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a system error code or a PDH error code . The following are possible values. Return codeDescription PDH_MORE_DATAThe size of the mszLogSetNameList buffer is too small to contain all the data. This return value is expected if pcchBufferLength is zero on input. If the specified size on input is greater than zero but less than the required size, you should not rely on the returned size to reallocate the buffer. PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENTA parameter is not valid. For example, on some releases you could receive this error if the specified size on input is greater than zero but less than the required size. Remarks You should call this function twice, the first time to get the required buffer size (set mszLogSetNameList to NULL and pcchBufferLength to 0), and the second time to get the data. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows XP Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2003 HeaderPdh.h LibraryPdh.lib DLLPdh.dll Unicode and ANSI namesPdhEnumLogSetNamesW (Unicode) and PdhEnumLogSetNamesA (ANSI) Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/23/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372582(VS.85).aspx\n |
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