术语 | physicaltologicalpoint |
释义 | PhysicalToLogicalPoint 语法: void PhysicalToLogicalPoint( HWND hWnd, LPPOINT lpPoint ); PhysicalToLogicalPoint功能 物理坐标转换中的逻辑坐标的窗口一个点。 参数 hWnd [in]的窗口句柄的变换用于转换。顶层窗口都完全支持。在子窗口的情况下,只有重叠的父母与子窗口面积转换。 lpPoint [中,out]指向一个POINT结构,指定物理/屏幕坐标的转换。在新的逻辑坐标复制这个结构,如果函数成功。 返回值 没有返回值。 备注 Windows Vista引入了物理坐标的概念。桌面窗口管理器(DWM)级非每英寸(dpi)当显示器是高dpi知道窗户点。在屏幕上看到该窗口对应的物理坐标。应用程序继续在逻辑空间。因此,应用程序的窗口的看法是不同的是出现在屏幕上。有规模的窗口,逻辑和物理坐标是不同的。 该函数使用的hWnd参数确定的窗口和物理坐标的POINT结构给予计算逻辑坐标。逻辑坐标的非标度坐标显示在以编程方式来申请。换句话说,逻辑坐标的坐标的应用程序识别,可以从不同的物理坐标。该API然后替换物理坐标与逻辑坐标。新的坐标在世界的坐标,其来源是(0,0在桌面上)。坐标传递给API要以由hWnd。 源设备坐标单位。 在所有平台,PhysicalToLogicalPoint将失败的一个窗口,已为0宽度或高度,应用程序必须首先通过调用一个非0的宽度和高度,例如,MoveWindow。在某些版本的Windows(包括Windows 7),PhysicalToLogicalPoint仍然会失败MoveWindow被称为后,作ShowWindow(SH_HIDE)调用了隐藏的窗口。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 user32.dll 在Winuser.h中HeaderDeclared,头文件:winuser.h import libraryUser32.lib 最低支持操作系统 Vista ==英文原文==PhysicalToLogicalPoint Function Converts the physical coordinates of a point in a window to logical coordinates. Syntax void PhysicalToLogicalPoint( HWND hWnd, LPPOINT lpPoint ); Parameters hWnd [in] Handle to the window whose transform is used for the conversion. Top level windows are fully supported. In the case of child windows, only the area of overlap between the parent and the child window is converted. lpPoint [in, out] Pointer to a POINT structure that specifies the physical/screen coordinates to be converted. The new logical coordinates are copied into this structure if the function succeeds. Return Value No return value. Remarks Windows Vista introduces the concept of physical coordinates. Desktop Window Manager (DWM) scales non-dots per inch (dpi) aware windows when the display is high dpi. The window seen on the screen corresponds to the physical coordinates. The application continues to work in logical space. Therefore, the application's view of the window is different from that which appears on the screen. For scaled windows, logical and physical coordinates are different. The function uses the window identified by the hWnd parameter and the physical coordinates given in the POINT structure to compute the logical coordinates. The logical coordinates are the unscaled coordinates that appear to the application in a programmatic way. In other words, the logical coordinates are the coordinates the application recognizes, which can be different from the physical coordinates. The API then replaces the physical coordinates with the logical coordinates. The new coordinates are in the world coordinates whose origin is (0, 0) on the desktop. The coordinates passed to the API have to be on the hWnd. The source coordinates are in device units. On all platforms, PhysicalToLogicalPoint will fail on a window that has either 0 width or height; an application must first establish a non-0 width and height by calling, for example, MoveWindow . On some versions of Windows (including Windows 7), PhysicalToLogicalPoint will still fail if MoveWindow has been called after a call to ShowWindow(SH_HIDE) has hidden the window. Function Information Minimum DLL Versionuser32.dll HeaderDeclared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h Import libraryUser32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows Vista ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633536(VS.85).aspx\n |
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