术语 | regsavekey |
释义 | RegSaveKey 语法: C++ LONG WINAPI RegSaveKey( __in HKEY hKey, __in LPCTSTR lpFile, __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes ); RegSaveKey功能 保存指定键和其子项和值都到一个新的文件,在标准格式。 要指定保存键或单元,使用RegSaveKeyEx函数的格式。 参数 hKey [in] 句柄到打开注册表项。 lpFile [in] 该文件中指定键和子项予以保留的名称。如果该文件已经存在,函数失败。 如果字符串不包括路径,该文件是为本地的关键,还是在%systemroot%\\ system32为远程关键目录中调用进程的当前目录。新的文件具有存档属性。 lpSecurityAttributes [中,可选] 一个 SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES结构,指定新文件的安全描述符指针。如果lpSecurityAttributes为NULL,则文件被默认的安全描述。在一个文件的默认安全描述符的ACL都继承自它的父目录。 返回值 如果函数成功,返回值是ERROR_SUCCESS。 如果函数失败,返回值是一个非零错误代码Winerror.h中定义。您可以使用带有FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM标记的FormatMessage函数获得错误的一般说明。 如果该文件已经存在,该函数失败,ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS错误。 备注 如果hKey代表远程计算机上的关键,由lpFile描述的路径是相对于远程计算机。 该RegSaveKey功能只保存非易失性的关键。它不保存动荡的关键。关键是由不稳定,或在其创建的非易失性,见RegCreateKeyEx的。 您可以使用RegSaveKey创造的RegLoadKey,RegReplaceKey,或RegRestoreKey职能后续调用该文件。如果RegSaveKey未能通过其运作的方式,该文件将被腐败的后续调用的文件RegLoadKey,RegReplaceKey,或RegRestoreKey将失败。 RegSaveKey是经常与RegRestoreKey一起复制在注册表子树。这种方法的一个替代方法是使用SHCopyKey功能。 调用进程必须具有SE_BACKUP_NAME特权启用。有关更多信息,请运行特权。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWinreg.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryAdvapi32.lib DLLAdvapi32.dll Unicode和ANSI namesRegSaveKeyW(Unicode)和RegSaveKeyA(ANSI)的 参见 RegCreateKeyEx的 RegDeleteKey 注册表文件 登记职能 RegLoadKey RegReplaceKey RegRestoreKey RegSaveKeyEx SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年8月27日 ==英文原文==RegSaveKey Function Saves the specified key and all of its subkeys and values to a new file, in the standard format. To specify the format for the saved key or hive, use the RegSaveKeyEx function. Syntax C++ LONG WINAPI RegSaveKey( __in HKEY hKey, __in LPCTSTR lpFile, __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes ); Parameters hKey [in] A handle to an open registry key. lpFile [in] The name of the file in which the specified key and subkeys are to be saved. If the file already exists, the function fails. If the string does not include a path, the file is created in the current directory of the calling process for a local key, or in the %systemroot%\\system32 directory for a remote key. The new file has the archive attribute. lpSecurityAttributes [in, optional] A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies a security descriptor for the new file. If lpSecurityAttributes is NULL, the file gets a default security descriptor. The ACLs in a default security descriptor for a file are inherited from its parent directory. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in Winerror.h. You can use the FormatMessage function with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag to get a generic description of the error. If the file already exists, the function fails with the ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS error. Remarks If hKey represents a key on a remote computer, the path described by lpFile is relative to the remote computer. The RegSaveKey function saves only nonvolatile keys. It does not save volatile keys. A key is made volatile or nonvolatile at its creation; see RegCreateKeyEx . You can use the file created by RegSaveKey in subsequent calls to the RegLoadKey , RegReplaceKey , or RegRestoreKey functions. If RegSaveKey fails part way through its operation, the file will be corrupt and subsequent calls to RegLoadKey, RegReplaceKey, or RegRestoreKey for the file will fail. RegSaveKey is often used in conjunction with RegRestoreKey to copy subtrees in the registry. An alternative to this approach is to use the SHCopyKey function. The calling process must have the SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege enabled. For more information, see Running with Special Privileges . Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWinreg.h (include Windows.h) LibraryAdvapi32.lib DLLAdvapi32.dll Unicode and ANSI namesRegSaveKeyW (Unicode) and RegSaveKeyA (ANSI) See Also RegCreateKeyEx RegDeleteKey Registry Files Registry Functions RegLoadKey RegReplaceKey RegRestoreKey RegSaveKeyEx SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 8/27/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724917(VS.85).aspx\n |
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