术语 | setntmsuioptions |
释义 | SetNtmsUIOptions 语法: C++ DWORD SetNtmsUIOptions( __in HANDLE hSession, __in const LPNTMS_GUID lpObjectId, __in DWORD dwType, __in DWORD dwOperation, __out LPTSTR lpszDestination ); SetNtmsUIOptions功能 [移动存储管理不再作为Windows 7和Windows服务器2008 R2提供。] 该SetNtmsUIOptions功能修改该计算机的用户界面的指定类型正在给定对象的指示名单。 参数 hSession [in] 处理由OpenNtmsSession函数返回的会议。 lpObjectId [in] 唯一标识符的用户界面被重定向对象。该对象必须是一个容器,可以是事件的来源。该对象可以是一个应用(1安装应用程序触发请求),库(一开门请求,以响应弹出)或计算机(所有用户界面有关的计算机)。 要指定计算机容器设置lpObjectId指针指向一个可移动存储管理器的计算机对象缓冲区的GUID。要指定特定的库设置为指向与库的GUID缓冲区。要指定一个应用程序,传递一个NULL指针。应用程序的标识是由在hSession使用的会话。请注意,应用程序可以同时打开多个会话。在这种情况下,该值设置只适用于hSession会议。在一个库或计算机的情况,例如,设置持续到明确改变。应用行被删除时,关闭会话。 dwType [in] 此参数可以有以下值之一。 ValueMeaning NTMS_UITYPE_INFOUI消息,它们提供的信息。其中包括工作队列项指示进度。例如,安装要求。 NTMS_UITYPE_REQUI消息的请求。其中包括经营者要求处理媒体。例如,要求注入新的媒体。 NTMS_UITYPE_ERRUI的信息带给他们的错误信息。其中包括运营商,相关的错误通知的要求。例如,要求清理的驱动器。 dwOperation [in] 此参数可以有以下值之一。 ValueMeaning NTMS_UIDEST_ADDAdd一个新的目标(计算机名)的名单。 NTMS_UIDEST_DELETERemove从列表目的地。 NTMS_UIDEST_DELETEALLClear所有的目的地从列表中。没有对象的用户界面生成。在这种情况下,目标参数将被忽略。 lpszDestination [out] 多字符串,返回的计算机名称,该界面是被重定向。这个参数不能为NULL。 返回值 这个函数返回下列值之一。 ValueMeaning ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDAccess到一个或多个罗申对象被拒绝。 ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTSThe给定的目标已经存在于列表中。 ERROR_INVALID_HANDLEThe会话句柄丢失或无效。 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERlpdwSize或lpszDestination指针为NULL,或者lpObjectId不是有效的容器,或者却提示或dwOperation不是三个有效的值之一。 ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORYAn分配在处理过程中出现故障。 ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUNDThe由lpObjectId指定的GUID不是任何一台计算机或库对象在数据库中的GUID。 ERROR_SUCCESSThe功能是成功的。 备注 一个SetNtmsUIOptions电话添加或删除由lpObjectId和却提示参数确定的特定实例的目的地。 NTMS_UITYPE_INFONTMS_UITYPE_REQNTMS_UITYPE_ERR ApplicationDisplay工作项目对于本application.Display操作界面生成的要求,由本application.Undefined所采取的行动产生的经营项目的进度要求,工作界面。应用程序不能导致这样的错误事件排序。 LibraryDisplay工作项与此同此与此相关的错误library.Display库用户界面相关的要求library.Display用户界面相关的工作项目上取得进展的UI。 ComputerDisplay信息在这个界面在这machine.Display丹参运行实例的要求,在这种类型的错误实例RSM.Display式用户界面在这个界面丹参实例。 请注意,安全检查是在调用SetNtmsUIOptions。当计算机对象指定您必须有权限修改的计算机访问。当修改库的UI元素您必须有权限修改库对象访问。 请注意,没有目的地的字符串检查。一个有目的地名称,这不是一个计算机从计算机上SetNtmsUIOptions要求返回成功到达调用。阿空字符串指针一词是指本地计算机。 要求: 最低支持client-Windows XP 最低支持serverWindows服务器2003 客户端 支持 Windows Vista 服务器 支持 Windows Server 2008 HeaderNtmsapi.h LibraryNtmsapi.lib DLLNtmsapi.dll Unicode和ANSI namesSetNtmsUIOptionsW(Unicode)和SetNtmsUIOptionsA(ANSI)的 参见 库控制功能 GetNtmsUIOptions 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月30日 ==英文原文==SetNtmsUIOptions Function [ Removable Storage Manager is no longer available as of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.] The SetNtmsUIOptions function modifies the list of computer names to which the specified type of UI is being directed for the given object. Syntax C++ DWORD SetNtmsUIOptions( __in HANDLE hSession, __in const LPNTMS_GUID lpObjectId, __in DWORD dwType, __in DWORD dwOperation, __out LPTSTR lpszDestination ); Parameters hSession [in] Handle to the session returned by the OpenNtmsSession function. lpObjectId [in] Unique identifier of the object whose UI is being redirected. The object must be a container that can be a source for events. The object can be either be an application (a mount request triggered by the application), a library (a door open request in response to an eject) or a computer (all UI pertaining to the computer). To specify the computer container set the lpObjectId pointer to point to a buffer with the Removable Storage Manager's computer object GUID. To specify a particular library set it to point to a buffer with the library's GUID. To specify an application, pass in a NULL pointer. The identity of the application is determined by the session used in hSession. Note that an application can have multiple sessions open simultaneously. In this case, the value set applies only to the hSession session. In the case of a library or computer instance, settings persist until explicitly changed. Application rows are deleted when the session is closed. dwType [in] This parameter can have one of the following values. ValueMeaning NTMS_UITYPE_INFOUI messages that provide information. These include the work queue items that indicate progress. For example, mount requests. NTMS_UITYPE_REQUI messages that are requests. These include the operator requests that handle media. For example, a request to inject new media. NTMS_UITYPE_ERRUI messages that give error information. These include operator requests that are related to error notification. For example, a request to clean the drive. dwOperation [in] This parameter can have one of the following values. ValueMeaning NTMS_UIDEST_ADDAdd a new destination (computer name) to the list. NTMS_UIDEST_DELETERemove a destination from the list. NTMS_UIDEST_DELETEALLClear all destinations from the list. No UI for the object is generated. In this case, the destination argument is ignored. lpszDestination [out] Multi-string that returns the names of the computers to which the UI is being redirected. This parameter cannot be NULL. Return Value This function returns one of the following values. ValueMeaning ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDAccess to one or more RSM objects is denied. ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTSThe given destination already exists in the list. ERROR_INVALID_HANDLEThe session handle is missing or is not valid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERlpdwSize or lpszDestination pointer is NULL, or lpObjectId is not a valid container, or dwType or dwOperation is not one of the three valid values. ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORYAn allocation failure occurred during processing. ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUNDThe GUID specified by lpObjectId is not the GUID of any computer or library object in the database. ERROR_SUCCESSThe function was successful. Remarks A call to SetNtmsUIOptions adds or removes a destination for a particular instance determined by the lpObjectId and dwType parameters. NTMS_UITYPE_INFONTMS_UITYPE_REQNTMS_UITYPE_ERR ApplicationDisplay work item progress UI for work items generated by this application.Display operator request UI for operator requests generated by actions taken by this application.Undefined. Applications cannot cause this sort of error event. LibraryDisplay work item progress UI for work items associated with this library.Display UI for requests associated with this library.Display UI for errors associated with this library. ComputerDisplay informational UI in this instance of RSM running on this machine.Display a request-type UI in this instance of RSM.Display error-type UI in this instance of RSM. Note that security checks are performed when calling SetNtmsUIOptions. When the computer object is specified you are required to have access with permission to modify the computer. When modifying a library's UI element you are required to have access with permission to modify the library object. Note that there is no checking of destination strings. A call to with a destination name that's not a computer reachable from the computer on which SetNtmsUIOptions called returns success. A pointer to an empty string is taken to mean the local machine. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows XP Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2003 End of client supportWindows Vista End of server supportWindows Server 2008 HeaderNtmsapi.h LibraryNtmsapi.lib DLLNtmsapi.dll Unicode and ANSI namesSetNtmsUIOptionsW (Unicode) and SetNtmsUIOptionsA (ANSI) See Also Library Control Functions GetNtmsUIOptions Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/30/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb540747(VS.85).aspx\n |
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