术语 | shassocenumhandlers |
释义 | SHAssocEnumHandlers 语法: HRESULT SHAssocEnumHandlers( LPCWSTR pszExtra, ASSOC_FILTER afFilter, IEnumAssocHandlers **ppEnumHandler ); SHAssocEnumHandlers功能 为指定的文件扩展名处理程序集返回一个枚举对象。 参数 pszExtra [in]指向一个空结束的缓冲区,它包含一个文件,例如“类型的扩展名的。jpg”。给定的扩展名关联的,只有处理枚举。如果该值为空,所有扩展名的所有处理程序枚举。 afFilter [in]指定枚举处理过滤器适用于处理程序的完整列表,成果从pszExtra给定的值。一下列值。 ASSOC_FILTER_NONE 返回所有处理程序。 ASSOC_FILTER_RECOMMENDED 只返回建议的处理程序。处理程序在注册表中设置的建议的地位,当它被安装。一个非初始状态,建议以后可以晋升为推荐为用户行动的结果。 ppEnumHandler [内]当此方法返回时,包含一个指针地址1 IEnumAssocHandlers对象。 返回值 返回S_OK如果成功,或其他错误值。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 Shell32.dll 自定义ImplementationNo Headershobjidl.h import libraryshell32.lib 最低支持操作系统 Vista ==英文原文==SHAssocEnumHandlers Function Returns an enumeration object for a specified set of file extension handlers. Syntax HRESULT SHAssocEnumHandlers( LPCWSTR pszExtra, ASSOC_FILTER afFilter, IEnumAssocHandlers **ppEnumHandler ); Parameters pszExtra [in] A pointer to a null-terminated buffer that contains a single file type extension, for instance ".jpg". Only handlers associated with the given extension are enumerated. If this value is NULL, all handlers for all extensions are enumerated. afFilter [in] Specifies the enumeration handler filter applied to the full list of handlers that results from the value given in pszExtra. One of the following values. ASSOC_FILTER_NONE Return all handlers. ASSOC_FILTER_RECOMMENDED Return only recommended handlers. A handler sets its recommended status in the registry when it is installed. An initial status of non-recommended can later be promoted to recommended as a result of user action. ppEnumHandler [out] When this method returns, contains the address of a pointer to an IEnumAssocHandlers object. Return Value Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise. Function Information Minimum DLL VersionShell32.dll Custom ImplementationNo Headershobjidl.h Import libraryshell32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows Vista ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762109(VS.85).aspx\n |
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