术语 | shchangenotify |
释义 | SHChangeNotify 语法: void SHChangeNotify( LONG wEventId, UINT uFlags, LPCVOID dwItem1, LPCVOID dwItem2 ); SHChangeNotify功能 通知的一个应用程序的表现事件系统。应用程序应使用此功能,如果执行这一行动可能影响壳牌。 参数 wEventId 描述所发生的事件。通常,只有一个项目是在一个指定的时间。如果多于一个指定的事件,在dwItem1和dwItem2中的参数必须相同,分别为所有指定的事件,价值观。此参数可以是一个或多个以下值: SHCNE_ALLEVENTS 所有的事件发生。 SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED 一个文件类型关联发生了变化。 SHCNF_IDLIST必须指定在uFlags参数。 dwItem1和dwItem2不使用,必须为NULL。 SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES 一个项目或文件夹的属性发生了变化。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含的项目或文件夹,已经改变了。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_CREATE 阿nonfolder项目已创建。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含创建的项目。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_DELETE 阿nonfolder项目已被删除。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含已删除的项目。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_DRIVEADD A驱动器已添加。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含驱动器的根已添加。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_DRIVEADDGUI A驱动器已被添加和壳牌应该建立一个驱动器新的窗口。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH中必须指定uFlags。 dwItem1包含驱动器的根已添加。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED A驱动器已被删除。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含已删除驱动器的根。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_EXTENDED_EVENT 当前未使用。 SHCNE_FREESPACE 可用空间的驱动器上的金额发生了变化。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含的驱动器上的可用空间变化的根源。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED 储存媒体已经插入到驱动器。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含驱动器包含新媒体的根。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED 储存媒体已被删除从一个驱动器。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含从该媒体被删除驱动器的根。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_MKDIR 一个文件夹已创建。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含已创建的文件夹。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_NETSHARE 阿本地计算机上的文件夹被共享通过网络。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含正在共享文件夹。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_NETUNSHARE 阿本地计算机上的文件夹不再通过网络共享。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含的文件夹不再被共享。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER 文件夹的名称已更改。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含以前的指针的项目标识符列表(的PIDL)或文件夹的名称。 dwItem2包含新的PIDL或文件夹的名称。 SHCNE_RENAMEITEM 一个nonfolder项目的名称已经改变。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含以前的PIDL或项目的名称。 dwItem2包含新的PIDL或项目的名称。 SHCNE_RMDIR 一个文件夹已被删除。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含已删除的文件夹。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_SERVERDISCONNECT 计算机已断开服务器。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含从哪个服务器计算机已断开连接。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_UPDATEDIR 一个现有的文件夹的内容发生了变化,但文件夹仍然存在,并且没有被重命名。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含已更改的文件夹。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。如果一个文件夹被创建,删除或重新命名,使用SHCNE_MKDIR,SHCNE_RMDIR,或SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER分别。 SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE 系统中的一个图像列表的形象发生了变化。 SHCNF_DWORD必须指定在uFlags。 Windows NT/2000/XP的:dwItem2包含在系统图像列表改变了指数。 dwItem1不使用,应该为NULL。 Windows 95/98中:dwItem1包含在系统图像列表改变了指数。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。 SHCNE_UPDATEITEM 现有的项目(一个文件夹或nonfolder)发生了变化,但该项目仍然存在,并且没有被重命名。 SHCNF_IDLIST或SHCNF_PATH必须指定在uFlags。 dwItem1包含已更改的项目。 dwItem2不使用,应该为NULL。如果nonfolder项目已创建,删除或重新命名,使用SHCNE_CREATE,SHCNE_DELETE,或SHCNE_RENAMEITEM分别代替。 SHCNE_DISKEVENTS 指定的磁盘事件标识符的所有组合。 SHCNE_GLOBALEVENTS 指定的标识符的全球性事件的所有组合。 SHCNE_INTERRUPT 指定的事件发生,作为一个系统中断的结果。由于此值修改其他事件的价值,它不能单独使用。 uFlags 标志是,当按位与SHCNF_TYPE结合,说明该dwItem1和dwItem2意义的参数。在uFlags参数必须是下列值之一。 SHCNF_DWORD 在dwItem1和dwItem2参数DWORD值。 SHCNF_IDLIST dwItem1和dwItem2是ITEMIDLIST结构的地址,代表项目(S)的变化的影响。每个ITEMIDLIST必须相对于桌面上的文件夹。 SHCNF_PATH dwItem1和dwItem2是空的地址结尾的MAX_PATH包含受影响的变化项目的完整路径名称的最大长度的字符串。 SHCNF_PRINTER dwItem1和dwItem2是空的地址结尾的字符串,代表打印机(章变更影响)的友好名称。 SHCNF_FLUSH 该函数不应该返回,直到通知已送交所有受影响的组件。由于这个旗修改其他数据类型标志,它不能由自己使用。 SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT 该函数应开始交付通知所有受影响的组成部分,但应尽快返回通知的进程已经开始。由于这个旗修改其他数据类型标志,它不能由自己使用。这个标志包括SHCNF_FLUSH。 SHCNF_NOTIFYRECURSIVE 通知所有儿童登记的客户。 dwItem1 [in]可选。第一次活动依赖的价值。 dwItem2 [in]可选。第二项活动依赖的价值。 返回值 没有返回值。 备注 应用程序注册的任何类型的新处理程序必须调用与SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED标志SHChangeNotify指示壳牌无效缓存并寻找新的处理程序。 在Windows 95/98/Me:SHChangeNotify是支持的Unicode(MSLU)微软层。要使用MSLU,您必须将某些文件到您的应用,概述了对Unicode的Microsoft层在Windows 95/98系统。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 shell32.dll 4.0或更高版本 自定义ImplementationNo Headershlobj.h import libraryshell32.lib 最低经营systemsWindows NT 4.0中,Windows 95中 ==英文原文==SHChangeNotify Function Notifies the system of an event that an application has performed. An application should use this function if it performs an action that may affect the Shell. Syntax void SHChangeNotify( LONG wEventId, UINT uFlags, LPCVOID dwItem1, LPCVOID dwItem2 ); Parameters wEventId Describes the event that has occurred. Typically, only one event is specified at a time. If more than one event is specified, the values contained in the dwItem1 and dwItem2 parameters must be the same, respectively, for all specified events. This parameter can be one or more of the following values: SHCNE_ALLEVENTS All events have occurred. SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED A file type association has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST must be specified in the uFlags parameter. dwItem1 and dwItem2 are not used and must be NULL. SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES The attributes of an item or folder have changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item or folder that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_CREATE A nonfolder item has been created. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that was created. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_DELETE A nonfolder item has been deleted. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that was deleted. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_DRIVEADD A drive has been added. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that was added. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_DRIVEADDGUI A drive has been added and the Shell should create a new window for the drive. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that was added. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED A drive has been removed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_EXTENDED_EVENT Not currently used. SHCNE_FREESPACE The amount of free space on a drive has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive on which the free space changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED Storage media has been inserted into a drive. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that contains the new media. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED Storage media has been removed from a drive. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive from which the media was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_MKDIR A folder has been created. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that was created. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_NETSHARE A folder on the local computer is being shared via the network. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that is being shared. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_NETUNSHARE A folder on the local computer is no longer being shared via the network. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that is no longer being shared. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER The name of a folder has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the previous pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) or name of the folder. dwItem2 contains the new PIDL or name of the folder. SHCNE_RENAMEITEM The name of a nonfolder item has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the previous PIDL or name of the item. dwItem2 contains the new PIDL or name of the item. SHCNE_RMDIR A folder has been removed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_SERVERDISCONNECT The computer has disconnected from a server. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the server from which the computer was disconnected. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_UPDATEDIR The contents of an existing folder have changed, but the folder still exists and has not been renamed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. If a folder has been created, deleted, or renamed, use SHCNE_MKDIR, SHCNE_RMDIR, or SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER, respectively. SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE An image in the system image list has changed. SHCNF_DWORD must be specified in uFlags. Windows NT/2000/XP: dwItem2 contains the index in the system image list that has changed. dwItem1 is not used and should be NULL. Windows 95/98: dwItem1 contains the index in the system image list that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. SHCNE_UPDATEITEM An existing item (a folder or a nonfolder) has changed, but the item still exists and has not been renamed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. If a nonfolder item has been created, deleted, or renamed, use SHCNE_CREATE, SHCNE_DELETE, or SHCNE_RENAMEITEM, respectively, instead. SHCNE_DISKEVENTS Specifies a combination of all of the disk event identifiers. SHCNE_GLOBALEVENTS Specifies a combination of all of the global event identifiers. SHCNE_INTERRUPT The specified event occurred as a result of a system interrupt. As this value modifies other event values, it cannot be used alone. uFlags Flags that, when combined bitwise with SHCNF_TYPE, indicate the meaning of the dwItem1 and dwItem2 parameters. The uFlags parameter must be one of the following values. SHCNF_DWORD The dwItem1 and dwItem2 parameters are DWORD values. SHCNF_IDLIST dwItem1 and dwItem2 are the addresses of ITEMIDLIST structures that represent the item(s) affected by the change. Each ITEMIDLIST must be relative to the desktop folder. SHCNF_PATH dwItem1 and dwItem2 are the addresses of null-terminated strings of maximum length MAX_PATH that contain the full path names of the items affected by the change. SHCNF_PRINTER dwItem1 and dwItem2 are the addresses of null-terminated strings that represent the friendly names of the printer(s) affected by the change. SHCNF_FLUSH The function should not return until the notification has been delivered to all affected components. As this flag modifies other data-type flags, it cannot by used by itself. SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT The function should begin delivering notifications to all affected components but should return as soon as the notification process has begun. As this flag modifies other data-type flags, it cannot by used by itself. This flag includes SHCNF_FLUSH. SHCNF_NOTIFYRECURSIVE Notify clients registered for all children. dwItem1 [in] Optional. First event-dependent value. dwItem2 [in] Optional. Second event-dependent value. Return Value No return value. Remarks Applications that register new handlers of any type must call SHChangeNotify with the SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED flag to instruct the Shell to invalidate the cache and search for new handlers. Windows 95/98/Me: SHChangeNotify is supported by the Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU). To use MSLU, you must add certain files to your application, as outlined in Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows Me/98/95 Systems . Function Information Minimum DLL Versionshell32.dll version 4.0 or later Custom ImplementationNo Headershlobj.h Import libraryshell32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows NT 4.0, Windows 95 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762118(VS.85).aspx\n |
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