术语 | shcreatedirectoryex |
释义 | SHCreateDirectoryEx 语法: int SHCreateDirectoryEx( HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszPath, const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *psa ); SHCreateDirectoryEx功能 创建一个新的文件系统文件夹。 参数 hwnd [in]的句柄父窗口。此参数可以设置为NULL,如果没有用户界面会被显示。 pszPath [in]指向一个空结束的字符串指定目录的完全限定路径。这个字符串的最大长度248个字符,包括终止空字符。 变压吸附 [in]指向一个与目录的安全属性SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES结构。设置此参数为NULL,如果没有安全属性,需要设定。 返回值 如果成功,返回ERROR_SUCCESS。如果手术失败,其他的错误代码可以被返回,包括这里列出的。对于没有具体列出的值,请参阅系统错误代码。 ERROR_BAD_PATHNAMEThe pszPath参数设置为相对路径。 ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGEThe路径指向pszPath太长。 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUNDThe系统找不到路径指向pszPath。路径可能包含一个无效条目。 ERROR_FILE_EXISTSThe目录存在。 ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTSThe目录存在。 ERROR_CANCELLEDThe用户取消了操作。 备注 注意:此功能可通过Windows XP服务包2(SP2)和Microsoft Windows Server 2003的。它可能更改或在Windows的后续版本中不可用。 这个函数创建一个文件系统文件夹的完全合格的路径是由pszPath给出。如果一个或更多的中间夹不存在,他们也创造。 SHCreateDirectoryEx也验证该文件是可见的。如果它们不可见,期望下列操作之一: 如果hwnd是建立一个有效的窗口句柄,一个消息框显示警告用户,他或她可能无法访问这些文件。如果用户选择不继续,该函数返回ERROR_CANCELLED。 If hwnd is set to NULL, no user interface is displayed and the function returns ERROR_CANCELLED. 功能信息 最低DLL版本 shell32.dll 5.0或更新版本 自定义ImplementationNo Headershlobj.h import libraryshell32.lib 最低经营systemsWindows 2000年,Windows Millennium Edition中 UnicodeImplemented为ANSI和Unicode版本。 ==英文原文==SHCreateDirectoryEx Function Creates a new file system folder. Syntax int SHCreateDirectoryEx( HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszPath, const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *psa ); Parameters hwnd [in] A handle to a parent window. This parameter can be set to NULL if no user interface will be displayed. pszPath [in] A pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the fully qualified path of the directory. This string is of maximum length of 248 characters, including the terminating null character. psa [in] A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure with the directory's security attribute. Set this parameter to NULL if no security attributes need to be set. Return Value Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. If the operation fails, other error codes can be returned, including those listed here. For values not specifically listed, see System Error Codes . ERROR_BAD_PATHNAMEThe pszPath parameter was set to a relative path. ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGEThe path pointed to by pszPath is too long. ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find the path pointed to by pszPath. The path may contain an invalid entry. ERROR_FILE_EXISTSThe directory exists. ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTSThe directory exists. ERROR_CANCELLEDThe user canceled the operation. Remarks Note This function is available through Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Microsoft Windows Server 2003. It might be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows. This function creates a file system folder whose fully qualified path is given by pszPath. If one or more of the intermediate folders do not exist, they are created as well. SHCreateDirectoryEx also verifies that the files are visible. If they are not visible, expect one of the following: If hwnd is set to a valid window handle, a message box is displayed warning the user that he or she might not be able to access the files. If the user chooses not to proceed, the function returns ERROR_CANCELLED. If hwnd is set to NULL, no user interface is displayed and the function returns ERROR_CANCELLED. Function Information Minimum DLL Versionshell32.dll version 5.0 or later Custom ImplementationNo Headershlobj.h Import libraryshell32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition UnicodeImplemented as ANSI and Unicode versions. ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762131(VS.85).aspx\n |
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