术语 | shdodragdrop |
释义 | SHDoDragDrop 语法: HRESULT SHDoDragDrop( HWND hwnd, IDataObject *pdtobj, IDropSource *pdsrc, DWORD dwEffect, DWORD *pdwEffect ); SHDoDragDrop功能 执行一个拖放拖放操作。支持拖累需求之源,以及拖动图像。 参数 hwnd [in]的处理用于获取拖动图像的窗口。此值可以为NULL。更多细节见备注。 pdtobj [in]的指针上的数据IDataObject接口的对象,它包含的数据被拖动。 pdsrc [in]一个指向一个IDropSource接口,它是用来沟通的过程中拖动操作开源实现。 作为Windows Vista中,如果此值为NULL,壳牌为您创建一个拖放源对象。 dwEffect [in]的效果,源在拖动可以拖放操作。最显着的效果是,拖放拖放操作许可证之举。有关可能值的列表,请参见DROPEFFECT。 pdwEffect [out] 一个值,指示如何拖放拖放操作影响的源数据的指针。该pdwEffect参数设置仅当操作不取消。有关可能值的列表,请参见DROPEFFECT。 返回值 此功能支持标准的返回值E_OUTOFMEMORY,以及以下值: DRAGDROP_S_DROPThe拖放拖放操作是成功的。 DRAGDROP_S_CANCELThe拖放拖放操作被取消。 E_UNSPECUnexpected发生错误。 备注 作为Windows Vista,如果拖动图像尚未存储在数据对象pdtobj和拖动图像不能从hwnd指定的窗口中获得,而壳牌提供了一种通用拖动图像。阿拖动图像可能无法从指定的窗口或者是因为hwnd为NULL或获得指定窗口不支持DI_GETDRAGIMAGE消息。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 shell32.dll 6.0或更高版本 自定义ImplementationNo Headershlobj.h import libraryshell32.lib XP的最低经营systemsWindows ==英文原文==SHDoDragDrop Function Executes a drag-and-drop operation. Supports drag source creation on demand, as well as drag images. Syntax HRESULT SHDoDragDrop( HWND hwnd, IDataObject *pdtobj, IDropSource *pdsrc, DWORD dwEffect, DWORD *pdwEffect ); Parameters hwnd [in] The handle of the window used to obtain the drag image. This value can be NULL. See Remarks for more details. pdtobj [in] A pointer to the IDataObject interface on a data object that contains the data being dragged. pdsrc [in] A pointer to an implementation of the IDropSource interface, which is used to communicate with the source during the drag operation. As of Windows Vista, if this value is NULL, the Shell creates a drop source object for you. dwEffect [in] The effects that the source allows in the drag-and-drop operation. The most significant effect is whether the drag-and-drop operation permits a move. For a list of possible values, see DROPEFFECT . pdwEffect [out] A pointer to a value that indicates how the drag-and-drop operation affected the source data. The pdwEffect parameter is set only if the operation is not canceled. For a list of possible values, see DROPEFFECT. Return Value This function supports the standard return value E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following values: DRAGDROP_S_DROPThe drag-and-drop operation was successful. DRAGDROP_S_CANCELThe drag-and-drop operation was canceled. E_UNSPECUnexpected error occurred. Remarks As of Windows Vista, if a drag image is not already stored in the data object pdtobj and a drag image cannot be obtained from the window specified by hwnd, the Shell provides a generic drag image. A drag image can fail to be obtained from the specified window either because hwnd is NULL or the specified window does not support the DI_GETDRAGIMAGE message. Function Information Minimum DLL Versionshell32.dll version 6.0 or later Custom ImplementationNo Headershlobj.h Import libraryshell32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows XP ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762151(VS.85).aspx\n |
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