术语 | shgetunreadmailcount |
释义 | SHGetUnreadMailCount 语法: HRESULT SHGetUnreadMailCount( HKEY hKeyUser, LPCTSTR pszMailAddress, DWORD *pdwCount, FILETIME *pFileTime, LPCTSTR pszShellExecuteCommand, int cchShellExecuteCommand ); SHGetUnreadMailCount功能 检索任何或所有电子指定的用户的未读邮件数的电子邮件帐户。 参数 hKeyUser [in]一个特定的用户有效HKEY。此参数应为NULL,如果函数是在用户的环境,在这种情况下HKEY_CURRENT_USER是用来调用。此参数应为NULL,如果该函数从系统方面,在这种情况下HKEY_USERS \\()的SID使用调用。 pszMailAddress [in]一个指针在Unicode,指定的电子一个属于指定用户帐户的电子邮件地址字符串。当此参数为NULL,pdwCount返回未读邮件的总数由指定用户拥有的所有帐户。 pdwCount [out]指向一个DWORD值,接收未读邮件数。 pFileTime [中,输出]指向一个FILETIME结构。这个参数的使用取决于是否pszMailAddress为NULL。如果pszMailAddress是NULL,那么这个参数将被视为一个[in]参数,它指定一个过滤器,使只有未读的邮件超过指定的时间较新的出现。如果pszMailAddress不是NULL,那么这个参数将被视为一个[out]参数,它指向一个FILETIME结构的功能在其中地方的最后指定用户和电子邮件帐户SHSetUnreadMailCount电话时间戳。 pszShellExecuteCommand [内]如果一Unicode字符串返回给ShellExecute命令语句进入最后指定的用户和电子邮件帐户SHSetUnreadMailCount调用中传递指针。此命令字符串开始的电子邮件应用程序,它拥有的pszMailAddress中引用的帐户。如果给ShellExecute命令不是必需的,此参数可以为NULL。 pszMailAddress若为NULL,则忽略此参数,必须为NULL。 cchShellExecuteCommand [in]的最大大小,指出的文字,给ShellExecute命令缓冲区由pszShellExecuteCommand。此参数必须为总计数为零时pszMailAddress为NULL。它也可以为NULL时给ShellExecute命令字符串不是必需的。 返回值 返回S_OK如果成功,或其他错误值。 备注 此函数是出口到Shell32.dll中唯一的Unicode,没有ANSI版本。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 shell32.dll 6.0或更高版本 自定义ImplementationNo Headershell32.h import libraryshell32.lib XP的最低经营systemsWindows UnicodeImplemented为Unicode版本。 ==英文原文==SHGetUnreadMailCount Function Retrieves a specified user's unread message count for any or all e-mail accounts. Syntax HRESULT SHGetUnreadMailCount( HKEY hKeyUser, LPCTSTR pszMailAddress, DWORD *pdwCount, FILETIME *pFileTime, LPCTSTR pszShellExecuteCommand, int cchShellExecuteCommand ); Parameters hKeyUser [in] A valid HKEY for a given user. This parameter should be NULL if the function is called in a user's environment, in which case HKEY_CURRENT_USER is used. This parameter should be NULL if the function is called from the SYSTEM context, in which case HKEY_USERS\\{SID} is used. pszMailAddress [in] A pointer to a string in Unicode that specifies the e-mail address of an account belonging to the specified user. When this parameter is NULL, pdwCount returns the total count of unread messages for all accounts owned by the designated user. pdwCount [out] Pointer to a DWORD value which receives the unread message count. pFileTime [in, out] A pointer to a FILETIME structure. The use of this parameter is determined by whether pszMailAddress is NULL. If pszMailAddress is NULL, then this parameter is treated as an [in] parameter, which specifies a filter, so that only unread mail newer than the specified time appears. If pszMailAddress is not NULL, then this parameter is treated as an [out] parameter, which points to a FILETIME structure into which the function places the timestamp of the last SHSetUnreadMailCount call for the specified user and e-mail account. pszShellExecuteCommand [out] A pointer to a string in Unicode that returns the ShellExecute command statement passed into the last SHSetUnreadMailCount call for the specified user and e-mail account. This command string starts the e-mail application that owns the account referenced by pszMailAddress. If the ShellExecute command is not required, this parameter can be NULL. If pszMailAddress is NULL, this parameter is ignored and must be NULL. cchShellExecuteCommand [in] The maximum size, in characters, of the ShellExecute command buffer pointed to by pszShellExecuteCommand. This parameter must be zero for total counts when pszMailAddress is NULL. It can also be NULL whenever the ShellExecute command string is not required. Return Value Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise. Remarks This function is exported from Shell32.dll in Unicode only; there is no ANSI version. Function Information Minimum DLL Versionshell32.dll version 6.0 or later Custom ImplementationNo Headershell32.h Import libraryshell32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows XP UnicodeImplemented as Unicode version. ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762207(VS.85).aspx\n |
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