术语 | shutdownblockreasoncreate |
释义 | ShutdownBlockReasonCreate 语法: C++ BOOL WINAPI ShutdownBlockReasonCreate( __in HWND hWnd, __in LPCWSTR pwszReason ); ShutdownBlockReasonCreate功能 表明,该系统不能被关闭,并设置一个原因字符串显示给用户,如果系统关机启动。 参数 hWnd [in] 一个句柄,应用程序的主窗口。 pwszReason [in] 之所以应用程序必须阻止系统关闭。此字符串将被截断,用于显示的字符后MAX_STR_BLOCKREASON。 返回值 如果调用成功,则返回值为非零值。 如果调用失败,返回值是零。为了获得更多错误信息,调用GetLastError。 备注 此功能只能调用的线程创建的hWnd参数指定的窗口。否则,函数失败,最后错误代码为ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED。 应用程序应该调用这个函数,因为他们开始如刻录CD或DVD的,不能中断操作。当操作完成,函数调用ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy表明该系统可以被关闭。 因为用户并不急于通常是在关闭系统,他们可能仅在关机是由系统显示的原因后几秒钟。因此,重要的是您的理由字符串短,明确的。例如“A CD刻录的。”进行中较“此应用程序阻止系统关闭,因为CD刻录正在进行中。不要关闭。” 要求: client最低支持Vista server最低支持 Windows Server 2008 HeaderWinuser.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryUser32.lib DLLUser32.dll 参见 ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy 关机 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月30日 ==英文原文==ShutdownBlockReasonCreate Function Indicates that the system cannot be shut down and sets a reason string to be displayed to the user if system shutdown is initiated. Syntax C++ BOOL WINAPI ShutdownBlockReasonCreate( __in HWND hWnd, __in LPCWSTR pwszReason ); Parameters hWnd [in] A handle to the main window of the application. pwszReason [in] The reason the application must block system shutdown. This string will be truncated for display purposes after MAX_STR_BLOCKREASON characters. Return Value If the call succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the call fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError . Remarks This function can only be called from the thread that created the window specified by the hWnd parameter. Otherwise, the function fails and the last error code is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. Applications should call this function as they begin an operation that cannot be interrupted, such as burning a CD or DVD. When the operation has completed, call the ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy function to indicate that the system can be shut down. Because users are typically in a hurry when shutting down the system, they may spend only a few seconds looking at the shutdown reasons that are displayed by the system. Therefore, it is important that your reason strings are short and clear. For example "A CD burn is in progress." is better than "This application is blocking system shutdown because a CD burn is in progress. Do not shut down." Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows Vista Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2008 HeaderWinuser.h (include Windows.h) LibraryUser32.lib DLLUser32.dll See Also ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy Shutting Down Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/30/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376877(VS.85).aspx\n |
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